Lisa Marie’s Week In Television: 2/11/24 — 2/17/24

This was another week in which I didn’t watch much television, beyond what I usually review.  A lot of that is because I was preoccupied with exercising my ankle (which is doing much better) and Valentine’s Day!  And some of it is because I guess modern television just doesn’t interest me that much right now.  All the game shows and the self-conscious prestige dramas are just kind of boring.

Anyway, here’s some thought on what I did watch this week!

Abbott Elementary (Wednesday Night, ABC)

I felt that this week’s episode was a clear improvement over the premiere, though the show still seems to be struggling to find its footing in the third season.  I liked Gregory as the cool teacher and I enjoyed the return of Tariq but I’m still not a fan of Janine working for the district.

Bubblegum Crisis (Night Flight Plus)

The action moved to Houston in the episode that I watched on Saturday morning.  As usual, I couldn’t really follow the plot but it was fun to watch everything explode.  Bubblegum Crisis takes place in 2033 so I guess we’ve got nine years left.

Diocese Of Dallas Catholic Mass  (Sunday Afternoon, Channel 27)

For various reasons, I really wanted to go to Mass on Sunday but with my sprained ankle, I really didn’t feel like having to hop all the way down to St. Joseph’s.  Fortunately, television to the rescue!

Dr. Phil (YouTube)

I watched an episode on Monday night.  A woman falsely accused her ex-husband of using their child to make pornographic movies.  Her husband passed a lie detector test and, as Phil pointed out, the woman’s story was full of inconsistencies and never made any sense.  Despite being exposed as being a liar, the woman refused to apologize.

On Saturday, I watched an episode that featured an online gambling addict who, having lost all of his money, was now living in his mother’s basement.  “We are staging an intervention,” Dr. Phil said, in that ultra-dramatic way of his.

Night Flight (Night Flight Plus)

This Friday, I watched an episode about famous people who made cameo appearances in 80s music videos.

The Super Bowl (Sunday Night, CBS)

I have to admit that I was really rooting for the 49ers by the end of the game.  I always like it when the underdogs win.  But still, congratulations to the Chiefs on their victory.  As usual, I was mostly watching for the commercials but I got kind of bored with them this year.  The one with Jennifer Lopez, Ben Affleck, and Matt Damon was amusing.

The Vanishing Shadow (Night Flight Plus)

I watched another installment of this old timey serial on Saturday morning. Our heroes spent most of this episode being pursued by gangsters.  Fortunately, they had a vanishing ray!  This old 30s serial is a lot of fun.

Watched and Reviewed Elsewhere:

  1. Baywatch Nights (YouTube)
  2. Check It Out (Tubi) — Review Dropping In 30 Minutes
  3. CHiPs (Freevee)
  4. Degrassi Junior High (YouTube)
  5. Fantasy Island (Daily Motion)
  6. Friday the 13th (YouTube)
  7. Highway to Heaven (Freevee)
  8. Lookwell (YouTube)
  9. The Love Boat (Paramount Plus)
  10. Miami Vice (Tubi)
  11. Monsters (Tubi)
  12. T and T (Tubi)
  13. Welcome Back Kotter (Tubi)