The Many Adventures Of Agent 0008

James Bond wasn’t the only secret agent saving the world in the 60s!  There was also Trevor Anderson, a.k.a. Agent 0008.  Anderson worked for SADISTO and, from 1965 to 1968, his adventures were recorded by Clyde Anderson.  There were 20 paperbacks about Agent 0008 and, as you can tell from the covers below, his missions were often on the racy side.  Agent 0008 didn’t just save the world.  He also had a good time doing it.  Though the Agent 0008 novels were only published for three years, they are now eagerly sought by collectors.  On Amazon, some of them are being sold for as much as $500.

Unless otherwise noted, the covers below are credited to Robert Bonfils:

by Darrel Millsap

Artist Unknown