Mini Late Night Retro Television Review: Check It Out! 2.8 “Homewrecker Howard”

Welcome to Late Night Retro Television Reviews, a feature where we review some of our favorite and least favorite shows of the past!  On Saturdays, I will be reviewing the Canadian sitcom, Check it Out, which ran in syndication from 1985 to 1988.  The entire show is currently streaming on Tubi!

I sprained my wrist earlier this week and, as a result, typing is a bit painful.  So, for this week and this week only, I’m doing quick, mini-reviews that will hopefully get my point across without requiring too much discomfort on my part.  Luckily, this is a format that works just fine when one is discussing a show like Check It Out!

Episode 2.8 “Homewrecker Howard”

(Dir by Alan Erlich, originally aired on November 21st, 1986)

This was just dumb.

Jack Christian is dating a woman (Randall Carpenter) who he met at the store.  He’s also lying to her, telling her that he’s the store manager.  The woman happens to be married and she’s also a friend of Edna’s.  After the woman tells Edna that she’s getting back at her unfaithful husband by having an affair with the manager of the store, Edna assumes that Howard is cheating on her.

I’ve often said that I hate idiot plots.  An idiot plot is any story where every complication could be prevented by the characters 1) not being complete idiots and 2) actually asking each other detailed questions and getting an answer before jumping to conclusions.  This episode was a classic example of the idiot plot.  Edna doesn’t tell Howard why she’s mad at him and Howard doesn’t bother to ask.  Things don’t get straightened out until the woman’s husband (Tom Butler) shows up at the store and announces that he wants to beat up the manager.

Will this show ever figure out who Howard Bannister is supposed to be?  Sometimes, he’s a great manager who cares about his employees.  In this episode, he’s a pompous windbag who puts a cardboard cut-out of himself on the salesfloor.  Sometimes, Howard is the world’s best and most romantic boyfriend.  In this episode, he’s so clueless that he barely notices that Edna is angry at him and Edna, it must be said, has no problem believing that he would be unfaithful.  Edna both lives and works with Howard so when exactly is he ever out of her sight long enough to have the wild affair that the woman describes herself as having?

As I said …. IDIOT PLOT!

Late Night Retro Television Review: Check It Out! 2.7 “A Chocolate Chip Off The Old Block”

Welcome to Late Night Retro Television Reviews, a feature where we review some of our favorite and least favorite shows of the past!  On Saturdays, I will be reviewing the Canadian sitcom, Check it Out, which ran in syndication from 1985 to 1988.  The entire show is currently streaming on Tubi!

This week, Cobb’s needs cookies!

Episode 2.7 “A Chocolate Chip Off The Old Block”

(Dir by Alan Erlich, originally aired on November 14th, 1986)

Strange episode.

When a homeless woman named Gert (Lynne Gorman) starts hanging out in the store’s parking lot, Howard’s first instinct is to force her to go away.  He’s especially annoyed when Gert starts sleeping in his parking space.  However, Edna takes sympathy on Gert and practically adopts her.  It turns out that Gert makes the best cookies that anyone has ever tasted!

That’s good news because Grandpa Morgan’s Cookies can no longer be sold in Cobb’s because the company has signed an exclusive contract with Flechman’s Grocery Store.  Jeremy Corbyn (Grant Cowan), who works at the head office and who is a real jerk, is looking for a scapegoat and Howard seems like a likely target.  But then Howard decides to start selling Grandma Gert’s Cookies in the store.  When it comes time to sign Gert to an exclusive contract, Gert’s business manager, who happens to be the store’s assistant manager, Jack Christian, drives a hard bargain.  Gert being managed by someone who works for the people who want to sign her to an exclusive contract sounds like a massive conflict of interest but it doesn’t matter because Gert has disappeared.

Desperate to sell cookies, Howard dresses up like a carnival barker and tries to get the customers interested in Uncle Howie’s Cookies.  A homeless man named Lester (Warren Van Evera) interrupts Howard’s presentation to tell him that Gert died.  It turns out that Gert was a millionaire and she left her money to not only her friends at the shelter but also to several charities.  Lester hands Howard an envelope from Gert.  Howard is excited because he thinks Gert left him money.  Edna opens the envelope and reveals that Gert left him a cheap ring as a symbol of friendship.

Disappointed, Howard returns to trying to get people to buy Uncle Howie’s cookies and the episode ends.

Seriously, what a strange episode.  After all the panic over the cookies, the episode ends without a resolution.  The recipe for Gert’s cookies dies with her and I guess Cobb’s is just not going to be able to sell cookies.  (Seriously, though, what type of store only sells one brand of cookies?  What type of cookie company would only want their product to be sold in one store?)  As well, this was another episode where Howard behaved in a way that totally went against what we’ve previously seen of the character.  This show has never seemed to be sure whether or not Howard is supposed to be a well-meaning, somewhat hapless manager or if he’s meant to be an arrogant buffoon.  This episode finds him in buffoon mode and his callous and greedy reaction to Gert’s death feels totally wrong.

It’s probably best to just move on from this episode and pretend like it didn’t happen.  So, let do just that.


Late Night Retro Television Review: Check It Out! 2.6 “The Bear Facts”

Welcome to Late Night Retro Television Reviews, a feature where we review some of our favorite and least favorite shows of the past!  On Saturdays, I will be reviewing the Canadian sitcom, Check it Out, which ran in syndication from 1985 to 1988.  The entire show is currently streaming on Tubi!

This week, Howard helps Murray master the bush.

Episode 2.6 “The Bear Facts”

(Dir by Alan Erlich, originally aired on November 7th, 1986)

Murray, the teenage stockboy played by Simon Reynolds, has a problem.

He’s in the Scouts.  He promised his father that he would not leave the Scouts until he earned all of the badges.  He only has one badge left …. the *snicker* Bushmaster Badge.  In order to get *cough* Bushmaster Badge, he has to go camping with his father.  However, Murray’s father is in the Merchant Marine and is far from home.  Hey — maybe Howard could go camping with Murray and help him become a *chortle* Bushmaster!

Since Howard is actually being a nice guy in this episode, he agrees.  (As I’ve mentioned many times in the past, this show is incredibly inconsistent when it comes to how Howard is portrayed.  Sometimes, he’s a saint.  Sometimes, he’s the boss from Hell.)  Howard even puts on a scout uniform.  While camping, Murray talks about how his parents split up 12 years ago but that he still hopes that they’ll get back together.  (Awwww!)  Howard admits that he has never asked Edna to marry him because he worries that it would end in divorce.  Howard and Murray bond and you know what?  It’s actually kind of sweet.  Simon Reynolds is actually rather touching as the naive Murray while Don Adams, in the role of Howard, actually stops yelling long enough for us to see that Howard is a sensitive guy underneath all the bluster….

Of course, then a bear shows up and eats Murray.

Or maybe not.  Howard sees the bear and he runs away, just to later realize that Murray didn’t run away with him.  Howard assumes that Murray has been eaten.  Instead of calling the police or Murray’s mother, Howard goes back to the store and tells Edna, Christian, and Leslie about what happened.  No one seems to be that upset about Murray being devoured and that’s kind of sad.

Suddenly, Murray’s scoutmaster (Diane Douglass) shows up and says that she personally wants to give Murray his *ahem* Bushmaster Badge.  Howard explains that Murray was possibly eaten by a bear.  The scoutmaster is about to form a search party when suddenly, Murray shows up.  It turns out he wasn’t eaten after all.  The bear was really nice and Murray was not only able to escape but also make it through the untrimmed wilderness on his own.  Everyone agrees that Murray has truly proven himself to be a master of the bush.  Murray gets his final badge and, as a result, he can finally stop wearing his uniform.  Yay!

This was a weird episode.  It started out as very sincere and heartfelt and then it suddenly devolved into a bunch of jokes about a lonely teenage boy being eaten by a bear.  I have to admit that I kind of dug this episode, precisely because it was so odd.  The best episodes of Check It Out! are usually the ones where the show gets unapologetically weird and this one did just that.

Hopefully, next week will be even stranger.

Late Night Retro Television Review: Check It Out 2.5 “The Mis-Matcher”

Welcome to Late Night Retro Television Reviews, a feature where we review some of our favorite and least favorite shows of the past!  On Saturdays, I will be reviewing the Canadian sitcom, Check it Out, which ran in syndication from 1985 to 1988.  The entire show is currently streaming on Tubi!

I’m currently in the middle of a thunderstorm and in desperate need of sleep so this is going to be a short review.  It’s okay because there’s not really much to be said about this week’s episode….

Episode 2.5 “The Mis-Matchmaker”

(Dir by Stan Jacobson, originally aired on October 31st, 1986)

This is the most pointless episode of Check it Out yet and that’s saying something!

Howard is looking after his niece, Denise (Lesleh Donaldson).  Denise is young and she’s just broken up with her boyfriend and Howard is worried that she’ll hook up with a bad guy just because she doesn’t know any better.  That’s why Howard shoos away even Murray when he tries to talk to her.  (Never mind, of course, that Murray is usually portrayed as being so shy and awkward that he can’t even bring himself to look into a woman’s eyes.)  It’s also why Howard asks Leslie to take Denise on a date.  Even after Leslie explains that he’s gay, Howard insists that Leslie ask out Denise.  Leslie finally agrees.  I’m not sure why because, again, Leslie is both very out and very proud of who he is.  In the end, it would appear that Leslie only asked Denise out because his boss ordered him to.  Leslie should sue or at least demand a raise.

Anyway, Denise falls in love with Leslie and is heart-broken when Leslie informs her that he’s gay.  (Wow, I interject sarcastically, who could have seen this coming?)  Denise runs away.  Howard calls the cops but is told that he can’t involve the police just because he hasn’t seen someone in 30 minutes.  Then Denise shows up with a blue-haired guy who she met and married while she was out.

That’s the episode.

Seriously, that’s it.

This episode didn’t add up to much.  Howard had never before mentioned having a niece or even another sibling before and Denise, despite being played by the talented Lesleh Donaldson, was not given any chance to really show any spark of personality.  We really didn’t know how Howard felt about Denise or any other member of his family and vice versa.  As such, it was hard to gauge how Howard felt when Denise was missing.  Was he worried about her?  Was he worried about his sister?  Or was he just hoping to avoid any more excess drama.  We have no way of knowing.

This was a flat episode, one that suffered from the show’s lack of consistency.  A lot of the humor came from how people reacted to Denise vanishing but none of the characters have ever felt like three-dimensional human beings and their reactions felt strained and melodramatic.

Anyway, it’s raining and thundering outside so I’m going to keep this review short.  There’s just not much to say about this episode.  It’s just forgettable.

Late Night Retro Television Review: Check It Out! 2.4 “Operation Bannister”

Welcome to Late Night Retro Television Reviews, a feature where we review some of our favorite and least favorite shows of the past!  On Saturdays, I will be reviewing the Canadian sitcom, Check it Out, which ran in syndication from 1985 to 1988.  The entire show is currently streaming on Tubi!

This week, Howard has an operation …. maybe.

Episode 2.4 “Operation Bannister”

(Dir by Alan Erlich, originally aired on October 24th, 1986)

A foolish attempt to impress a blonde customer by lifting and carrying a crate full of bottles lands Howard in the hospital.  He’s scheduled to have a hernia operation.  It should be a simple procedure but there’s a problem.  Howard’s a wimp.

Seriously, Howard spends this entire episode in a state of panic.  First, he has to deal with an ER doctor who is — *gasp* — a woman!  Then he discovers that the doctor who will be operating on him is barely out of medical school and looks like he’s about 16 years of age.  Then, he discovers that his roommate at the hospital is full of horror stories.  I guess it’s a good thing that Howard knows how to escape from hospitals because he ends up doing it several times.  Of course, every time, he’s promptly recaptured and sent back for his operation.

This episode ends on a curious note, with the store’s staff putting on a “welcome back” party three days after Howard’s operation just for Howard to reveal that he once again escaped from the hospital and, instead of getting the operation, he spent three days hiding out in a hotel.  He didn’t even let Edna know what he had done.  Two burly orderlies show up at the store and drag Howard back to the hospital as the end credits roll.

So, did Howard ever actually have the operation?  I’m going to assume that he did but it’s interesting that the episode leaves the storyline unresolved.  Instead of being about the operation, the episode instead becomes a meditation on fear and the foolishness of trying to escape fate.  Howard is very good at running away from his problem but, no matter how hard he tires, the orderlies always track him down.  Like the Grim Reaper, Canadian hospital orderlies cannot be escaped.

I hate hospitals so I could relate a bit more to this episode than some of the other episodes that I’ve seen of this show.  As an American who gets tired of hearing about every other country’s supposedly perfect health care system, I appreciated that this episode showed that hospitals suck no matter what country you’re in.

That said, I have to admit that, while watching, I got a bit annoyed with Howard.  I mean, first off, he shouldn’t have tried to pick up that crate to begin with.  Secondly, if you don’t want to have the operation, don’t have it.  Don’t keep returning to the hospital just because Edna and a bunch of orderlies yell at you.  And if you do decide to return to the hospital, own that choice and stick around until the operation’s done.  I understood Howard’s feelings but he still came across as being a bit of a wimp in this episode.  Nobody likes a wimp.

Next week, according to the imdb, Howard’s niece will make an appearance.  Let’s hope she has more guts than her uncle.

Late Night Retro Television Review: Check It Out! 2.3 “Buddy, Can You Spare A Job?”

Welcome to Late Night Retro Television Reviews, a feature where we review some of our favorite and least favorite shows of the past!  On Saturdays, I will be reviewing the Canadian sitcom, Check it Out, which ran in syndication from 1985 to 1988.  The entire show is currently streaming on Tubi!

Never hire a friend is the lesson of this week’s episode.

Episode 2.3 “Buddy, Can You Spare A Job?”

(Dir by Alan Erlich, originally aired on October 17th, 1986)

Cobb’s has got a new butcher!

Curt Farquar (Billy Van, who was a prominent horror host in Canada) not only knows how to cut meat but he’s also been Howard’s best friend since childhood.  When Curt approaches Howard and explains that his wife has left him and he desperately needs a job, there’s no way that Howard can turn him down.  Unfortunately, Curt turns out to be a bit of a bully, yelling at both the customers and his other co-workers.  He even yells at Mrs. Cobb.  Howard knows that he has to fire Curt but he doesn’t have the guts to do it.  He gets Christian to do it and then reverses course as soon as Curt confronts him.

It would be really nice if Check It Out! could decide just who exactly Howard Bannister is meant to be.  There are some episodes where Howard is a such a competent manager that other companies try to lure him away.  Then there are episodes where he is totally incompetent.  There are episodes where he and Edna are practically married and then others where they can barely stand each other.  There are episodes where Howard is a sharp-tongued leader who won’t let anyone push him around and then there are ones, like this one, where he has to be coaxed out of his office.  Sometimes, Howard is a tyrant.  Other times, he’s a wimp.  There’s never been any sort of consistency with how Howard has been portrayed and, as a result, I still don’t feel like I know the character.

That’s a problem for an episode like this one, where all of the humor centers around Howard’s inability to take an honest look at his friendship with Curt.  The Office did several good episodes that centered around Michael Scott’s toxic friendship with Todd Packer.  It was hard not to think about those episodes as I watched Howard fumble his way through Check it Out!  On The Office, Michael’s one-way friendship with Packer told the viewer everything they needed to know about Michael.  On Check It Out!, Howard’s friendship with Curt tells us nothing because the Howard who we’ve seen in previous episodes of Check It Out! would never have a friend like Curt.

For the record, Howard does eventually work up the courage to fire Curt.  And Curt actually thanks Howard for firing him because it gives Curt the time to patch up his marriage.  But first, of course, we have to sit through Curt threatening to jump off the roof of Cobb’s, just to teach Howard a lesson about …. something.  Who knows?

On the plus side, the always funny Gordon Clapp was heavily featured in this episode.  Viker convinced everyone to give him money so that he could send off for everyone’s family tree.  Viker discovered that he was descended from an axe-sharpener.  Marlene was descended from wolves.  Howard was descended from Napoleon, which of course led to Don Adams putting his hand in his suit.  And Christian …. Christian didn’t have a family tree because “your cheque bounced.”

(The closed captioning apparently understood that Check It Out! was a Canadian show.)

The Viker stuff was funny, largely because of Gordon Clapp’s ability to deliver the most absurd dialogue with a totally straight face.  The Howard/Curt stuff was kind of boring.  This was not a memorable episode to check out.

Late Night Retro Television Review: Check it Out 2.2 “Edna’s Phantom Romance”

Welcome to Late Night Retro Television Reviews, a feature where we review some of our favorite and least favorite shows of the past!  On Saturdays, I will be reviewing the Canadian sitcom, Check it Out, which ran in syndication from 1985 to 1988.  The entire show is currently streaming on Tubi!

Season 2 continues with more inconsistent Howard and Edna weirdness.

Episode 2.2 “Edna’s Phantom Romance”

(Dir by Alan Erlich, originally aired on October 10th, 1986)

Howard Bannister is, once again, the most unromantic man who has ever lived.

Now, I know that goes against what we’ve recently seen of Howard.  In fact, just last week, Howard agreed to go without a paycheck for two months so that he and Edna could have a vacation together.  This show has never been particularly consistent when it comes to its portrayal of Howard and Edna’s relationship.  When it first started, Howard was portrayed as being a jerk.  Then, he became a romantic.  Then he went back to being a jerk.  And then he become, yet again, a romantic.  And now, he’s back to being a jerk.  And Edna has gone from being snarky to naive to intelligent to naive again that it’s next to impossible to really say for sure who she is supposed to be.

Edna and Howard’s anniversary is coming up.  Edna wants him to take her to Hawaii.  Howard would rather stay at home and watch bowling.  It seems to be an impasse but myself, I’m wondering if Edna realizes that flying from Canada to Hawaii is not exactly something that one does on a whim.  I mean, you don’t just hop down to Hawaii for a few hours and then fly back, especially not on a retail worker’s salary.  Howard may be the manager but I doubt he has enough money to purchase a private jet.  Plus, Edna and Howard just took a 2-month vacation.  She could have gone to Hawaii then.

Edna, trying to get Howard’s attention, hires one of Leslie’s community theater friends to pretend to be her new boyfriend.  Howard freaks out after he sees Edna and the actor together.  Edna thinks that Howard is going to propose to her but instead, he breaks up with her.  “Oh, Howard!” Edna says before explaining that she was just paying the other guy to pretend to be in love with her.  Howard is surprisingly okay with that and the two of them get back together.  It’s interesting that Howard doesn’t care that Edna has basically spent a week lying to and manipulating him.

This was one of those really annoying and dumb episodes where every problem could have been resolved by people just talking to each other and not making assumptions.  Bleh.  I hate episodes like this.

On the plus side, Marlene’s constantly changing hairstyle remains the best thing about the show.  Here’s what she went with this week:

This episode was pretty dumb and I’m pretty sure that they already did a Howard-Screws-Up-His-Anniversary episode during the previous season.  If Check It Out! is already repeating itself (and especially if its repeating itself to diminishing returns), that means I’ve got a long few months ahead of me as I make my way through seasons 2 and 3 of this show.

Next week …. oh, who knows?

Late Night Retro Television Review: Check it Out! 2.1 “Getting To Know You”

Welcome to Late Night Retro Television Reviews, a feature where we review some of our favorite and least favorite shows of the past!  On Saturdays, I will be reviewing the Canadian sitcom, Check it Out, which ran in syndication from 1985 to 1988.  The entire show is currently streaming on Tubi!

Today, we start a new season of Check It Out!

Episode 2.1 “Getting to Know You”

(Dir by Alan Erlich, originally aired on October 3rd, 1986)

The second season of Check It Out! opens with some changes at Cobb’s Grocery store.

Howard now has a mustache.  Tonya Williams and Henry Beckman are no longer listed in the opening credits so I guess Jennifer and Alf have moved on from working at the store.  Gordon Clapp, however, is now listed in the opening credits so Viker, who was one of more consistently funny characters during the first season, is now a series regular.

The episode opens with zero customers in the store.  Due to a broken waterline, the store’s parking lot has been taken over by a bunch of construction workers.  Howard calls them “apes.”  Marlene is sick of them hitting on her whenever she comes to work.  Christian thinks he could take them on.  And Mrs. Cobb is demanding that Howard lay off two employees to help offset costs.

Howard could always point out that, with Jennifer and Alf gone, the store now only has seven employees but he doesn’t.  Instead, he follows Edna’s advice and sits down for one-and-one interviews with his employees and gets to know them.  Howard thinks that he’ll be able to find an employee who doesn’t really need the job but instead, he discovers that all of his employees are wonderful people.  Marlene cries about how difficult her life has been lately.  Murray talks about how both of his parents are out of work.  Leslie volunteers to give up his job and Howard is so touched that there’s no way he can possibly accept Leslie’s offer.  Jack Christian, who is usually pretty self-centered and obnoxious, seems like an easy choice but then he gets beaten up defending Marlene from the construction workers.

Finally, Howard realizes that there’s only one thing he can do.  He lays off Edna and then he lays himself off.  He announces that he and Edna are going on vacation and they’ll be back in four months.  Ummm …. look, I’ll be honest.  I’ve never been through the experience of being fired or laid off so I don’t really fully understand how it all works.  Isn’t Howard kind of taking a risk here?  I mean, I guess Howard is assuming that Christian will just fill in for four months and then Howard and Edna will return and everything will go back to normal.  But what if Mrs. Cobb hires a new manager?  What if she doesn’t want to take back Howard and Edna?  I mean, to me, it sounds like Howard basically just quit his job and forced Edna to quit her’s as well.  But everyone in the store seems to be convinced that Howard will be back in just a few months.

I guess my point is that Check it Out! doesn’t seem like it was always 100% realistic.

Anyway, this episode was okay.  It reintroduced all the characters and gave us a chance to get reacquainted with them, as any season premiere should.  Gordon Clapp, Jeff Pustil, and Kathleen Laskey all had moments that made me smile.  Those three have the ability to make even the simplest of lines funny.  During the first season, Don Adams could occasionally be a bit overly frantic as Howard.  For the second season premiere, though, his performance felt a bit toned down and it no longer felt as if he and the show were begging for laughs.  Still, I just can’t get over that ending.  Edna was so excited that her boyfriend essentially put her future employment at risk.

Next week, we’ll see if Howard still has a job.

Late Night Retro Television Review: Check It Out! 1.22 “Sex Appeal”

Welcome to Late Night Retro Television Reviews, a feature where we review some of our favorite and least favorite shows of the past!  On Saturdays, I will be reviewing the Canadian sitcom, Check it Out, which ran in syndication from 1985 to 1988.  The entire show is currently streaming on Tubi!

This week, the first season comes to an end!  Will Howard be promoted and, if he is, will there be a season 2?  Let’s try to find out.

Episode 1.22 “Sex Appeal”

(Dir by Alan Erlich, originally aired on March 12th, 1986)

Who will be the new vice president of the Cobb Corporation?  Will it be Howard or will it be another store manager?  Mrs. Cobb has sent her daughter, Tiffany (Ruth Buzzi), to interview and test both men.  When Tiffany arrives at Howard’s store, she takes one look at him and decides that she’ll promote him but first, she wants to seduce him.  Soon, Tiffany is forcing Howard to identify all of the items in the produce section with his eyes closed.  When she places his hands on her face, Howard says, “Uhmmm …. pineapple!  Moldy peaches!”

When Edna comes to the office late and discovers Howard and Tiffany in what appears to be a compromising position, she is scandalized.  Howard insists that nothing happened and that Tiffany came onto him.  He announces that he is charging Tiffany with sexual harrassment….

….and this somehow leads to a mock trial that is held in the breakroom, with all of the employees watching and Mrs. Cobb acting as judge.  Is Mrs. Cobb really the best person to judge an accusation made against her daughter?  Is this how they do things in Canada?

Howard is, of course, cleared of any wrong-doing.  We all knew that was going to happen, largely because Tiffany is portrayed as being insane from the minute she shows up at the store.  So, we get a resolution as far as the harassment is concerned but the whole storyline about Howard wanting a promotion is forgotten about and left unresolved.

And so, the first season ends with a bit of whimper.  The first season was uneven.  At its best, season one of Check It Out! had some episodes that were enjoyably weird.  Any episode in which Gordon Clapp, Kathleen Laskey or Jeff Pustil were allowed to take center stage was guaranteed to be memorable.  But there were also plenty of episodes like this one, where the show couldn’t seem to figure out whether or not Howard was a competent, well-meaning professional or a total and complete moron.  Regardless of the individual content of each episode, there was never anything particularly subtle about Don Adams’s performance as Howard.  For some episodes that worked.  And, in episodes like this one, it definitely did not.

Next week, we start season 2!  Two cast members say goodbye while Gordon Clapp’s Viker becomes a regular.  Since season 2 is still taking place in the supermarket and Howard is still the manager, I’m going to assume that the other guy got the promotion.

Late Night Retro Television Reviews: Check It Out! 2.21 “Jack Be Numbskull”

Welcome to Late Night Retro Television Reviews, a feature where we review some of our favorite and least favorite shows of the past!  On Saturdays, I will be reviewing the Canadian sitcom, Check it Out, which ran in syndication from 1985 to 1988.  The entire show is currently streaming on Tubi!

This week’s episode defies description.  Read on.

Episode 2.21 “Jack Be Numbskull”

(Dir by Alan Erlich, originally aired on March 5th, 1986)

Awwww, look how cute these two are!

After an office party, Marlene and Christian go home together.  The next morning, Christian has decided that he is totally in love with Marlene while Marlene will do just about anything to get Christian to stop bothering her with his romantic declarations.  (In real life, Kathleen Laskey and Jeff Pustil have been married since 1990.)

Marlene’s solution to her Christian problem is to invite her ex-boyfriend, the brutish Bruno (Eric Keenleyside), to the store and to tell him to threaten to beat up Christian, just to scare him off.  Marlene doesn’t want Bruno to actually hurt anyone, of course.

Bruno, however, mistakes Howard for Christian and threatens him.  When Howard makes a sarcastic comment about how he is going to fight Bruno in the alley, a visiting Mrs. Cobb (Barbara Hamilton) overhears and decides that sponsoring a boxing match between Bruno and an employee will be the perfect way to advertise Ka-Blam, a vitamin supplement that is so powerful that it’s sold in a container that looks like a hand grenade.  Mrs. Cobb also decides that Bruno will be Mr. Ka-Blam.

So, to make clear:

  1. Mrs. Cobb thinks it will be a good idea to have a fight in one of her stores
  2. Mrs. Cobb thinks hiring a violent criminal to be a store mascot is a good idea
  3. Mrs. Cobb wants to have Bruno beat up one of her store managers
  4. Mrs. Cobb wants the manager to get beaten up while the customers watch.

Yeah, it doesn’t make much sense to me, either.

A few hours before the boxing match, Howard breaks his hand so he has to find a replacement to fight Bruno.  Christian volunteers.

Christian is not much of a fighter but he impresses everyone with his refusal to surrender or throw in the towel.  However, after an illegal blow sends Christian to the canvas, Howard rushes into the ring and punches Bruno in the stomach and then knocks him out with an uppercut.  Wait a minute, I thought Howard’s hand was broken….

This episode was just silly.  It was so silly that it almost worked, just on the basis of weirdness alone.  The action played out like a fever dream and logic was abandoned early on and perhaps that was for the best.  This episode was so strange that it defies a traditional review but I will say that Christian and Marlene did make for a cute couple so I hope this is something that the show continued to explore.

Next week, the first season comes to a close!