Scenes That I Love: Cillian Murphy in Dunkirk

Today, we wish a happy birthday to the most recent winner of the Oscar for Best Actor, Cillian Murphy!

While Murphy won for his lead role in Oppenheimer, he’s been an intriguing cinematic presence for over two decades and, of course, he’s been a long-time favorite of director Christopher Nolan’s.  In 2017’s Dunkirk he had a small but pivotal role as a shell-shocked soldier.  Murphy’s haunting performance serves as a reminder that even the most heroic moments of a war often come at great cost to the soldiers involved.

One response to “Scenes That I Love: Cillian Murphy in Dunkirk

  1. A great post. I absolutely agree with you. Cillian Murphy is an incredible actor that has been giving fantastic performances for decades. I’m so glad that he finally won his long overdue Oscar for “Oppenheimer”. That being said, he has been excellent in other films which didn’t get recognized. “Dunkirk” is definitely one of those films. Murphy has a short role in the film, but he leaves such a strong impression with limited screen time. He was extraordinary as a soldier haunted by grim realities of the war. “Dunkirk” was a great war film which impressed me as well. Here’s why I loved the movie:

    “Dunkirk” (2017) – Movie Review


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