4 Shots From 4 Films: Special David Cronenberg Edition

4 Or More Shots From 4 Or More Films is just what it says it is, 4 shots from 4 of our favorite films. As opposed to the reviews and recaps that we usually post, 4 Shots From 4 Films lets the visuals do the talking!

Today, the Shattered Lens wishes a happy birthday to one of our favorite directors, David Cronenberg!  No one has done more to change the way that the world views Canada than David Cronenberg.  In honor of the man, his films, his country, and his legacy, here are….

4 Shots From 4 David Cronenberg Films

The Brood (1979, dir by David Cronenberg, DP: Mark Irwin)

Scanners (1981, dir by David Cronenberg, DP: Mark Iwrin)

Videodrome (1983, dir by David Cronenberg, DP: Mark Irwin)

A History of Violence (2005, dir by David Cronenberg, DP: Peter Suschitzky)

One response to “4 Shots From 4 Films: Special David Cronenberg Edition

  1. Pingback: Lisa Marie’s Week In Review: 3/11/24 — 3/17/24 | Through the Shattered Lens

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