PROGRAMMING NOTE: Retro Television Reviews Will Return On March 11th

Hi, everyone!  Lisa Marie here with a quick programming note!

For nearly two years, I’ve been posting daily retro television reviews here on the Lens.  That feature is going on hiatus for this upcoming week so that this site can concentrate on the Oscars.  Speaking for myself, I know that I have a lot that I need to watch and review before the Oscars are handed out on March 10!

So, my daily reviews of Miami Vice, Baywatch Nights, CHiPs, Fantasy Island, The Love Boat, Monsters, Highway to Heaven, T and T, Friday the 13th, Welcome Back Kotter, Check It Out, and Degrassi Junior High will return on March 11th, after Oscar week concludes!

For now, let’s watch some movies!

One response to “PROGRAMMING NOTE: Retro Television Reviews Will Return On March 11th

  1. Pingback: Lisa Marie’s Week In Review: 2/26/24 — 3/3/24 | Through the Shattered Lens

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