Late Night Retro Television Reviews: Friday the 13th: The Series 1.20 “The Quilt of Hathor: The Awakening”

Welcome to Late Night Retro Television Reviews, a new feature where we review some of our favorite and least favorite shows of the past! On Fridays, I will be reviewing Friday the 13th: The Series, a show which ran in syndication from 1987 to 1990. The show can be found on YouTube!

How many more people must die before the Quilt of Hathor is stopped!?  Let’s find out.

Episode 1.20 “The Quilt of Hathor: The Awakening”

(Dir by Timothy Bond, originally aired on May 9th, 1988)

We pick up where the previous episode ended.  Ryan is still living with the ultra-religious Pentites and is still viewed with suspicion by the majority of them.  He is still in love with the Reverend Grange’s daughter, Laura.  And Effie Stokes still has the quilt that she can use to enter the dreams of others and kill them.

However, Effie is not the main villain here.  Instead, it is the Reverend Grange (Scott Paulin) who is corrupted by the quilt.  When the community’s elders tell Grange that it is important that he select a wife, he finally selects Effie.  Effie is overjoyed but, as soon becomes clear, she intends to use the quilt to kill Grange on their wedding night so that she can take over the community.  However, in the dream, Grange gets the upper hand and kills Effie instead.  Soon, Grange is using the quilt to go after anyone in the community with whom he has a grudge.  And when the members of the community suspect that witchcraft is afoot, he casts the blame on Ryan.

This is the episode where Ryan nearly gets burned at the stake.  Fortunately, Micki and Chris show up just as Ryan is about to be set on fire.  They distract the Pentites long enough for Laura to discover Effie’s body and to reveal that Grange is the murderer.  A long chase ends with Grange falling out of a barn to his death.

That, of course, also kills Laura and Ryan’s romance.  Ryan realizes that he has a holy duty to help Chris and Micki track down cursed antiques.  And Laura says that she has to stay behind to help the community rebuild.  Personally, I think she’s just reluctant to declare her love for the man who killed her father.  That’s understandable.

This was not a bad episode.  I liked the way that, for once, we got to see how a formerly good and reasonable person could be corrupted by one of the cursed antiques.  Laura and Ryan’s romance was a bit too obviously lifted from Witness but still, John D. LeMay and Carolyn Dunn had a likable chemistry together.  Just as with the first part of the story, the surreal nightmares were well-done and genuinely frightening.

Next week, Ryan and Micki search for a haunted camera!

One response to “Late Night Retro Television Reviews: Friday the 13th: The Series 1.20 “The Quilt of Hathor: The Awakening”

  1. Pingback: Lisa Marie’s Week In Review: 2/26/24 — 3/3/24 | Through the Shattered Lens

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