Horror on TV: Baywatch Nights 2.11 “Possession” (dir by David W. Hagar)

Tonight’s bonus episode of televised horror is an episode of Baywatch Nights that deals with something that every lifeguard eventually has to deal with: demonic possession.

Well, actually, it’s not so much demonic possession as its dead serial killer possession but it’s still definitely not a good thing.  That’s especially true when it’s a friend and/or co-worker getting possessed.  I mean, it’s never fun to end a relationship but having to end it because someone managed to get possessed …. I just don’t see how you live that down.

And, before anyone gets the wrong idea, Hasselhoff is not the one who gets possessed.  It would have been fun if he had been but no.  Sorry.

This episode originally aired on February 2nd, 1997.

One response to “Horror on TV: Baywatch Nights 2.11 “Possession” (dir by David W. Hagar)

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