Horror Scenes That I Love: Christopher Lee in Count Dracula

Christopher Lee was a man of many talents.  Over the course of his long life, he wrote books, he recorded albums, he performed Shakespeare on stage, and he appeared in so many films that he himself reportedly had trouble remembering them all.  During World War II, Lee served in the British Secret Service with his cousin, Ian Fleming, and was reportedly one of the inspirations for the character of James Bond.  (Of course, Lee would eventually play Scaramanga in The Man With The Golden Gun.)

Up until he played Saruman in The Lord of the Rings and Count Dooku in the Stars Wars prequels, Lee was best-known for his performances as Dracula in several Hammer films.  By his own account, though, Lee never really cared for Hammer’s interpretation of Dracula.  He felt that Hammer did the character a disservice by portraying Dracula as just being a snarling villain.  In 1970, Lee finally got his chance to star in a faithful adaptation of Bram Stoker’s original novel when he starred in Jess Franco’s Count Dracula.

In the scene, an aged Dracula greets Jonathan Harker.

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