Music Video of the Day: Not A Dry Eye In The House by Meat Loaf (1995, directed by Howard Geenhlagh)

Today would have been the 76th birthday of Meat Loaf.

The video for Not A Dry Eye In The House features Meat Loaf looking over an empty stage and singing about his long lost love, who was also a starlet.  The video was directed by Howard Greenhalgh, who has also done videos for Culture Club, Eels, Iron Maiden, Pet Shop Boys, Placebo, Elton John, Sting, Suzanne Vega, and others.  Probably his most acclaimed video is the one that he directed for Soundgarden’s Black Hole Sun.

(He also directed the video for Come With Me, Puff Daddy’s take on Led Zeppelin’s Kashmir.  Don’t hold it against him.)


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