Lisa Marie’s Week In Television: 9/3/23 — 9/9/23

Hi, everyone!  Jeff and I have been up at Lake Texoma since Monday and I really haven’t watched much television.  I’ve been taking advantage of this vacation to get some much needed rest so my watching has pretty much been limited to the shows that I write about, like Big Brother and the shows that I watch for this site’s retro television reviews.

Big Brother 25 (24/7, CBS and Paramount Plus)

I wrote about Big Brother here!  This season has been pretty dire but things are looking up this week, with Cameron winning Head of Household in an upset and targeting the production favorites.  For the past few seasons, both Survivor and Big Brother has suffered from the heavy hand of production protecting their favorites and helping certain players steamroll their way to the end.  It’s led to both shows getting pretty dull.  Cameron winning HoH not only shocked the House but it also probably shocked production and, interestingly enough, Cameron didn’t mention a word about who he was nominating until he actually did it.  Cameron seems to understand that he’s not only playing against the other houseguests but production as well.  It’s been a while since I’ve seen the online Big Brother fandom as excited as they are for this week.

Fantasy Island (YouTube)

I wrote about Fantasy Island here.  Unfortunately, this week’s trip to the Island was not a particularly memorable one.

The Love Boat (Paramount Plus)

I wrote about The Love Boat here.  This episode featured Captain Stubing being harassed by the IRS, making him a character to which every American can relate.

Night Flight (Night Flight Plus)

On Friday night and Saturday morning, I watched two episodes of this old 80s television show.  The first episode was about “Goth Rock,” and I enjoyed it quite a bit.  The second episode was about heavy metal and featured a profile of the band Def Leppard.

South Central (YouTube)

This week, Andre rode the bus and nearly died as a result.  I wrote about South Central here.

T. and T. (Tubi)

T.S. Turner and Amy Taler continued to fight the good fight and they even saved Decker from going to prison.  T.S. got to drive a zamboni!  I wrote about T. and T. here.

Welcome Back Kotter (Tubi)

Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back!  This week, the Sweathogs were trapped in a museum and Gabe was trapped by his own fears.  I wrote about Welcome Back Kotter here!

Yes, Prime Minister (Monday Morning, PBS)

Having thoroughly loved watching Yes, Minister on PBS, I am very happy that they are now showing the sequel, Yes, Prime Minister.  I watched the first episode on Monday morning.  Three days into his premiership, Jim Hacker (Paul Eddington) tried to cement his legacy by reforming the UK’s nuclear defense system and re-introducing conscription.  Fortunately, Sir Humphrey (Nigel Hawthorne) was able to distract the Prime Minister by arranging for him to get a cook for his new residence.  Listening to Eddington, Hawthrone, and Derek Fowlds exchange snappy dialogue is a wonderful experience.

2 responses to “Lisa Marie’s Week In Television: 9/3/23 — 9/9/23

  1. Pingback: Lisa Marie’s Week In Review: 9/4/23 — 9/10/23 | Through the Shattered Lens

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