Hell’s Kitty: Movie Preview, Review and Trailer

Nine lives? Yeah you will need them! Have you ever exorcised a Kitteh? You might tonight!

Hells Kitty Key Art_preview


Let’s get the technical out of the way first!



Doug Jones (The Shape of Water)

Dale Midkiff (Pet Sematary)

Adrienne Barbeau (The Fog)


Based on the web series and comic book of the same name, and inspired by writer-director Nicholas Tana’s experiences living with a professedly possessed cat, Hell’s Kitty tells of a covetous feline that acts possessed and possessive of his owner around women. The results are as funny as they are frightening!

Nick a Hollywood screenwriter, discovers his cat has become murderously possessed, and will stop at nothing to rid him of any women in his life. As his life unravels out of control, Nick must find a way to have his kitty exorcised of the demonic spirit haunting her and creating a body count.


I don’t think I have laughed or cried at a horror movie in a long time! As a cat lover,and owned by a cat,this movie puts everything in their mind right in yours!

Would I Recommend this movie?

Pussy, Please! You got to  sharpen your claws and see this fun movie!


Where can you see it?

“Hell’s Kitty” will be available on VOD March 13th and on DVD March 27th!


Something You Should also know:

To kick of the movie release and to share their love for cats, the creators behind the film teamed with HOLLYSHORTS MONTHLY SCREENINGS and the TLC CHINESE THEATER recently hosted a premiere at the legendary theatre to raise money for FixNation.org. FixNation provides a free, full-time spay/neuter clinic with two full-time veterinarians capable of sterilizing as many as 100 cats per day. They also help hundreds of cats find suitable homes. For more info on the cause click here!  http://fixnation.org/


Here is the trailer!

2 responses to “Hell’s Kitty: Movie Preview, Review and Trailer

  1. Pingback: Lisa’s Week In Review: 2/5/18 — 2/11/18 | Through the Shattered Lens

  2. Pingback: Hell’s Kitty: ChainSaw Video | Through the Shattered Lens

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