This Week’s “Peaks” : Part Sixteen (Spoilers Abound)

Trash Film Guru

Pre-emptive separation anxiety — it’s a real thing.

I admit it : I’m not ready for David Lynch and Mark Frost’s Twin Peaks 2017/Twin Peaks : The Return/Twin Peaks season three to be over, and I’m sure the same is true for many of you (and there are a lot of “you”s if my WordPress readership statistics are to be believed — let me say thanks for that right now). This is only going to happen once, and that “once” ends just seven short days from now. Oh, sure, we’ll be discussing, debating, theorizing, even philosophizing about what it all meant for the next 25 years (at least), but the “event” (a term that really does apply in this case) itself is almost finished.

At least part sixteen gave us a chance to say some good-byes in advance, thus preparing us for the “big good-bye” next Sunday…

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3 responses to “This Week’s “Peaks” : Part Sixteen (Spoilers Abound)

  1. Pingback: 18 Initial Thoughts on Twin Peaks: The Return Part 17 (dir by David Lynch) | Through the Shattered Lens

  2. Pingback: TV Review: Twin Peaks: The Return Part 17 (dir by David Lynch) | Through the Shattered Lens

  3. Pingback: TV Review: Twin Peaks: The Return Part 18 (dir by David Lynch) | Through the Shattered Lens

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