6 Trailers For a Mistaken Weekend

Here’s a little story.

So yesterday, I told my sister that I was going to go ahead and hop in my car and make the 45-minute drive to our uncle’s place.  She said, “Uhmmm….okay, Lisa Marie,” and, at the time, I was confused as to why she sounded confused.  After all, we go out to our uncle’s place every Memorial Day weekend.  He has a big house.  He has a big back yard and a pool that’s great for laying out and working on your tan.  Celebrating Memorial Day weekend at our uncle’s is a Bowman-Marchi Family tradition!

And so, I drove out there.  And when I arrived at the house, I thought it was weird that none of my cousins had arrived yet.  Both my aunt and my uncle seemed surprised to see me but I figured they were just wondering where my cousins were as well.  I mentioned to them that I was early and then, instead of sticking around to have a conversation, I ducked into the guest room and I changed into my favorite black bikini and then I went outside and I lay out by the pool.

And I have to admit that I was a little bit frustrated.  Unlike all of my sisters and most of my cousins, I am pretty much incapable of getting a decent tan and it didn’t help that the sky was full of clouds.  But I was even more frustrated by the fact that nobody else had shown up yet.  Didn’t they know it was Memorial Day weekend?

Except, of course, it wasn’t Memorial Day weekend.  Memorial Day weekend is next week and somehow, I managed to get my dates confused.  Both my uncle and my aunt were very understanding about my mistake and they were kind enough to both feed me and invite me to stay the weekend.  I thanked them for their kindness, told them that I couldn’t wait to come back next weekend, and then — with my face almost as red as my hair — I went home.

Shut up, Jimmy Brooks!  I’m almost done and my name’s not Ellie!  Anyway, my point is that I was planning on making the latest edition of Lisa Marie’s Favorite Grindhouse and Exploitation Film Trailers a Memorial Day edition.  And, next weekend, it will be.  However, for this weekend, enjoy these 6 randomly and hastily selected replacement trailers, none of which have much to do with each other…

Tender Flesh (1974)

Empire of the Ants (1977)

Prophecy (1979)

Final Exam (1981)

Aenigma (1987)

Trauma (1993)

What do you think, Manny Santos?

Uhmmm, you’re welcome…

Everyone have a great Memorial Day weekend!

One response to “6 Trailers For a Mistaken Weekend

  1. Pingback: What Lisa Watched Last Night #151: Marriage of Lies (dir by Danny J. Boyle) | Through the Shattered Lens

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