Netflix Halloween 2015 : “The Beast Of Xmoor”

Trash Film Guru


Okay, let’s get the confusing stuff out of the way first : writer/director Luke Hyams’ 2014 British indie horror offering The Beast Of Xmoor was originally released under the simpler title X Moor, only to have  the “X” and the “Moor” combined, for reasons unknown, into one word later, perhaps to more (semi-)accurately reflect the name of the North Devon region it takes place in — which is, in fact, called Exmoor with an “E,” and really is rumored to be the favored stomping grounds of a puma-like creature that plenty of people have seen, but no one’s actually been able to photograph.

Think of it as the UK’s answer to Bigfoot, only on four legs, and you’re getting a reasonably clear idea of the “real-life” phenomenon, as well as at least some inkling as to why this particular legend could make for good horror movie material…

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