Here’s the Promo for Fear The Walking Dead!

So, as you probably heard, AMC is doing a spin-off of The Walking Dead.  It’s going to be called Fear the Walking Dead, which is not exactly the greatest title that I’ve ever heard.

(Seriously, Fear the Walking Dead sounds like it should be the title of a low-budget, Asylum-produced mockbuster version of  The Walking Dead...)

But, despite that imperfect title, Fear the Walking Dead is still highly anticipated by Walking Dead fans.  (Is Chris Hardwick going to host Talking Fear?)  Apparently, it’s going to be a prequel, dealing with the early days of the zombie outbreak and maybe it will even offer up some clues as to why it all happened in the first place.  Even better, it’s going to take place in Los Angeles so we won’t have to deal with any dodgy accents.

Here’s the first promo for Fear the Walking Dead.  It aired last night during the Walking Dead‘s season finale.  It really doesn’t tell us much about the show itself but, at the same time, it does have a nicely ominous feel.

Artist Profile: Tom Lovell (1909 — 1987)

1-Tom Lovell - Evacuated At Night

Tom Lovell was born in New York City and sold his first illustrations when he was a junior at Syracuse University.  He was a prolific illustrator whose work appeared both in the pulps and in issues of National Geographic, where Lovell took great care to make sure that his paintings were historically accurate.  When asked about his work, Lovell once said, ” “I consider myself a storyteller with a brush. I try to place myself back in imagined situations that would make interesting and appealing pictures. I am intent on producing paintings that relate to the human experience.”  Tom Lovell was inducted into Illustrators Hall of Fame in 1974.

A sampling of both his pulp work and his historical paintings can be found below.

Detective Tales Dime Mystery 2 Dime Mystery Tom Lovell - Fire Outside the Window Tom Lovell - Panama Threat Tom Lovell - Silver Culture Tom Lovell - The Corpse Was Beautiful Tom Lovell - The Name is Betty vikingossaqueanmonaster x-a-viking-selling-a-slave-girl-to-a-persian-merchant-tom-lovell x393600-blackangel xlovell_theironshirt xTom Lovell - The Beach