Trailer: Skyfall (dir. by Sam Mendes)

We finally get the return of Britain’s deadliest and world-renowend “Double-O” agent with Sam Mendes’ Skyfall.

It’s been quite a long time since Marc Foster’s underwhelming Quantum of Solace with MGM’s subsequent bankruptcy being one of the major causes for the delay of this film being made. With the MGM bit now out of the way James Bond finally returns to the big screen with Daniel Craig once again donning the Walther and the tuxedo to play the debonair and ruthless killer agent that Ian Fleming made famous through his spy novels.

This teaser doesn’t show much other than some bits of action (one of which looks like it might’ve been lifted out of a level of Modern Warfare 3) and Bond being coldly ominous about people coming to get him and “M”. I’ve always been a huge fan of the Bond films and even when they don’t go over so well I still enjoy myself. They also tend to have a different director with each and every film which gives each film a different take on the character of Bond. This time around we have Sam Mendes in the director’s chair and it’ll be interesting to see how well he handles the thriller genre and action.

Skyfall is set for an October 26, 2012 release date.

4 responses to “Trailer: Skyfall (dir. by Sam Mendes)

  1. I’m hoping that Mendes may be able to bring a bit of emotion to the Bond series. I thought Casino Royale had a good mixture of both that and action. Quantum was too heavy handed on the emotional side. Maybe this will be better. Looks pretty interesting, though.


    • One thing I’m sure of is that with Mendes directing and Roger Deakins as DP there’s a great chance Skyfall will be the most beautifully shot Bond film.


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