6 Trailers For Labor Day

Let’s celebrate Labor Day with the latest installment of Lisa Marie’s Favorite Exploitation Trailers.

1) Graveyard Shift — This is a Canadian film from 1986.  Ever since I first saw it on DVD last year, this has been one of my favorite vampire films.  It’s an atmospheric, strangely well-acted film that is just trashy enough to remain interesting.

2) Panorama Blue — I’ve never seen this movie and apparently, it’s a lost film of some sort.  The trailer can be found on one of the 42nd Street Forever compilation DVDs.  Apparently, this is some sort of pornographic epic.  I just enjoy the trailer even though I wouldn’t be caught dead on a roller coaster.  (They’re scary!)

3) Zombi 3 — This film is credited to Lucio Fulci but he actually only directed about 60% of it before he was fired and replaced by Bruno Mattei.  This trailer deserves some sort of award because it manages to make an amazingly boring film look exciting and almost fun. 

4) Rolling Thunder — Another film that I’ve never seen (and another trailer that I first found on a 42nd Street compilation).  This is an effectively moody trailer.  As a Texan, I also like the fact that Rolling Thunder apparently not only takes place in Texas but was also actually shot there with actual Texans in the cast.  And I love the ominous yet casual way that Tommy Lee Jones delivers the “I’ll get my gear,” line.

5) Angel — This is a trailer from the early 80s.  This is another one of those trailers that I love because it’s just so shamelessly sordid and trashy.

6) Hitch-Hike — Okay, quick warning — this trailer is explicit.  Not as explicit as many grindhouse trailers but it’s still explicit enough that some people might find it objectionable.  It’s certainly not safe for work though why are you visiting this site from work anyway? 

However, all that taken into account, it’s still a very good trailer for a very good movie, 1977’s Hitch-Hike.  Not only is it a nicely cynical little thriller, but it features not only another iconic psycho performance from David Hess but also a brilliant lead performance from Franco Nero.  I will also admit right now that if I ever got my hands on a time machine, the first thing I would do would be go back to 1977 and  give Franco Nero a hummer.  Seriously.

Okay, I’ve said too much.  Just watch the trailer and enjoy one of Ennio Morricone’s best scores. 

8 responses to “6 Trailers For Labor Day

    • I’ll get to Zombie Lake eventually. To be honest, I’m trying to find a version on YouTube that’s just a little bit less explicit than the one that I’ve found. Because, while both Hitch-Hike and The House On The Edge of the Park had trailers that could considered a bit explicit, they’re nothing compared to Zombie Lake! lol.


  1. In the “Zombi 3” trailer, is that a detached zombie head flying out of the boiling pot to bite the guy on the neck?

    Believe it or not, I saw “Angel” around the time it was released (’83 or ’84). My girlfriend’s family had something called Super TV, which was what people who weren’t yet serviced by cable could get in that area. I never understood exactly what technology it employed. Anyway, in case you were wondering, “Angel” is a very bad movie. Not shattering any illusions there, I guess.


    • That was indeed a severed zombie head that flew out of the pot to bite nameless human. One thng which always bugged me about Zombie 3 was how the zombies never really followed a specific rule on how they behaved.


  2. Wow. Well, it does give the film a certain kind of charm.

    While I do like “Zombie” (aka “Zombi 2”), I find that Fulci’s films look like they were made by a child. Bizarre things happen that make no sense – there is no legitimate cause or explanation, and often no reaction or acknowledgement on the part of the characters, I found this especially true of the “The Beyond”, which I thought was a pretty bad film, but not really much fun. Among many other things, the scene toward the end where the male protagonist was trying to hold the zombies at bay with a pistol. He would repeatedly shoot them in the torso with no effect, then occasionally shoot one in the head, which would finish it. Then he would go back to shooting more of them in the torso. Corpses liquefy in the hospital, people get pulled into walls, but no one one notices. Anyway, I do not understand the esteem in which that film is held by some people.

    But I do have some affection or Fulci – at least he’s not campy. And I did like the zombie attacking the shark in “Zombi 2”. 🙂


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