Street (2015, directed by Bradford May)

After witnessing a fight between two criminals and a young man in a convenience store, Ozzy (Shashawnee Hall) decides to track the man down.  Ozzy owns a gym and he thinks that the man could be one of the next great MMA fighters.  When Ozzy finds Remo Street (Casper Smart), he offers Remo a job at his gym.  Street will just be cleaning up the place and serving as a sparring partner but he’ll also get to train for free.  Street agrees.

Street almost immediately runs afoul Ozzy’s main fighter, Greg (John Brickner).  Greg is the son of the gum’s co-owner, James (Gregory Fawcett), a gambling addict who is in debt to the Russian mob.  (Those same Russian mobsters are also forcing Street to fight in an underground fight club.)  Greg does not appreciate that way that Street looks at his sister, Jasmine (Kate Miner).  After Greg injures his usual sparring partner, Ozzy gives the job to Street.  Greg and Street have to train hard because the championship is coming up.

Though it may take place in the world of MMA, Street is a typical boxing film and it doesn’t bring anything new to the genre.  The fight scenes should be the highlight of the movie but they are so poorly edited that it’s hard to keep track of who is fighting who or who is winning.  The final fight, which should have been the film’s crowning moment, feels like an anti-climax.  The best boxing films emphasize the strategy and the training that the fighter uses to defeat his opponent but, in Street, we don’t even get to know who the fighters are or what their strengths are.  Casper Smart gives a likable performance in the title role but Street never scores a knockout.



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