What Lisa Watched Last Night: The Perfect Teacher (dir. by Jim Donavon)

Hi.  This is the 1st edition of something that I like to call What Lisa Watched Last Night.  Because, y’see, I not only love movies and books.  I watch a lot of TV as well.

Last night, after we got home from spending the day at the holiday family reunion at my uncle’s, my sister Erin and I turned on Lifetime and watched an encore presentation of the “original Lifetime movie,” The Perfect Teacher

Why Was I Watching This?

When this movie premiered back in September, I watched it because, based on the commercials, it looked silly and fun.  Plus, it was on Lifetime and, no matter how much I love the Grindhouse, I’m a girly girl at heart.  As for last night, I watched it mostly because I was too worn out from the holidays to do much of anything else.

What’s The Movie About:

Devon (Megan Park) is a spoiled rich girl who develops a crush on her new teacher, Jim Wilkes (David Charvet).  Jim is also the coach of the Girl’s Volleyball Team and Devon volunteers to work as his assistant.  Before leaving on a volleyball road trip, Devon buys sexy lingerie which apparently is meant to let us know that she’s crazy.  (Though really, why wouldn’t you buy sexy lingerie before going on a road trip with David Charvet?  I mean, he’s a terrible actor but look at him!)  Anyway, the team’s staying in a hotel, Devon knocks on Charvet’s door, Charvet answers the door without his shirt on and…uhm, yeah.  Okay, how stupid is David Charvet not to know that when he’s the only adult present with a group of female minors, he needs to answer the door with his shirt on?  Seriously, way to be a tease, Charvet.  Anyway, long story short — Devon declares her love for Charvet, Charvet rejects her because he’s married to boring, old Rachel (Boti Bliss) so Devon gets behind the wheel of an SUV and runs Rachel down while she’s jogging.

Some other stuff happens but basically, all you really need to know is: lingerie-clad Park, shirtless Charvet, and hit-and-run Bliss.

What Worked:

The movie not only looks silly and fun — it is silly and fun!  Ever since I originally saw this, I’ve been taking advantage of any opportunity to quote Devon: “I can be your dream or I can be your …. NIGHTMARE!”  Megan Park actually does a pretty good job playing Devon.  David Charvet can’t act but he’s nice to look at.  As the wife, Boti Bliss has really boring hair and is kinda whiney but then she gets run over by a rampaging SUV.

What Didn’t Work:

Hey, it’s Lifetime.  It all worked.

“Oh my God!  Just like me moment!”

 Who hasn’t had a crush on a teacher?  Me, I pretty much developed a crush on every male teacher/professor that I ever had.  However, when I think about teenage crushes I had on older men, I always end up thinking about Mark.  Mark wasn’t a teacher but he was engaged to marry Ms. Conn, who was our Speech and Debate coach.  I was 17 at the time and he was 23.  Eventually, Mark accompanied us when we went to a speech tournament in San Antonio.  Much as in The Perfect Teacher, the entire team stayed at a motel and, for me, the highlight of the trip was the night when I put on the pink Victoria’s Secret nightie I’d bought specifically for the trip, snuck out of my room, pulled the fire alarm, and met Mark as he came running out of his room clad only in his boxers.

I guess that’s not as extreme as getting behind the wheel of an SUV and running down someone’s wife but still, we’ve all played the role of obsessive stalker chick at least once or twice in our life.

Lessons Learned:

It’s not a Lifetime movie unless there’s some sort of lesson learned or deeper truth revealed by the end of the film.  The lesson of The Perfect Teacher appear to be that even if you do marry a really nice, handsome guy who doesn’t cheat on you or plot your murder, chances are that he’s still going to unintentionally lead on some psycho bitch who will end up running you down in her car while you’re out jogging.  In short, even good men are idiots and anyone younger and/or prettier than you is psychotic and looking to ruin your life. 

Anyway, since this is Lifetime, you can be sure that The Perfect Teacher will be rerun at least three or four times a year until the end of time.  I know a few readers might be saying, “But, Lisa, we wouldn’t be caught dead watching Lifetime.”  And, to you, I say…I can be your dream or I can be your….NIGHTMARE!


3 responses to “What Lisa Watched Last Night: The Perfect Teacher (dir. by Jim Donavon)

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