Music Video of the Day: We Don’t Talk Anymore by Cliff Richard (1979, directed by Brian Grant)

Though he had his occasional hits, Cliff Richard has never made a huge impact in the States.  However, in the UK, Cliff Richard is practically an institution.   He’s been performing for 60 years straight and has had 14 number one singles in the UK.  He’s also the only singer to have had a number one single in five consecutive decades.  Before there was the Beatles, there was Cliff Richard.

We Don’t Talk Anymore was Richard’s biggest worldwide hit and it was released during one of his brief periods of American popularity.  The video is simple as most music videos were back in the day.  Today, music videos are usually mini-movies but, back in the 70s and 80s, they were often just performance clips.  This video was the sixth to be played on MTV, airing in between Ph.D’s Little Suzi’s On The Up and The Pretenders’s Brass In Pocket.

As for Cliff Richard, he’s Sir Cliff and he’s still performing.  Every December brings a new Christmas song from Sir Cliff Richard.
