Music Video of the Day: I Wanna Be Somebody by W.A.S.P. (1984, directed by ????)

It’s a good thing that skeleton was there to cut through the chain that was holding the door closed or you might have missed this performance from W.A.S.P.

This music video seems tame today but, back in the 80s, this was exactly the sort of thing that was sending Tipper Gore and the other members of the PMRC into a panic.

What does W.A.S.P. stand for?  We Are Sexual Perverts was one popular guess but not a correct one.  In an interview, Blackie Lawless said it stood for, “We ain’t sure, pal.”


Music Video of the Day: Wild Child by W.A.S.P. (1985, directed by Rick Friedberg)

In this video for Wild Child, Blackie Lawless follows one woman through the desert, just for her to always disappear when he gets too close.  Maybe she knows that W.A.S.P. and Blackie Lawless were among the top targets of Tipper Gore’s anti-rock campaign in the 80s.  Supposedly, at the heyday of Gore’s crusade, venues that booked W.A.S.P. would get bomb threats while the members of the band were themselves receiving death threats.  Someone even tried to shoot Blackie Lawless.

(Ironically, Blackie Lawless was raised in the church and is reportedly even more of a Christian than Tipper Gore was at the time she was accusing W.A.S.P. of corrupting America’s youth.)

This video was directed by Rick Friedberg, who went from working with W.A.S.P. to working with Leslie Nielsen on several projects.
