Horror on the Lens: The Bat (dir by Crane Wilbur)

Today’s Horror on the Lens is 1959’s The Bat.  A simple case of bank embezzlement leads to a murder that may or may not be connected to a series of other murders that are apparently being committed by a mysterious killer known as “The Bat.”  The Bat is said to have no face and steel claws and, needless to say, everyone in town is worried about becoming the next victim.

Who is the Bat?  Is Dr. Malcolm Wells (Vincent Price), the shady scientist whose work has led to him doing experiments on bats?  Is it Victor Bailey (Mike Steele), the bank clerk who is a prime suspect in the embezzlement case?  Is it the butler (John Sutton) with a secret past?  Could it even be one of the cops (Gavin Gordon and Robert B. Williams) who has been tasked with capturing The Bat?  Can mystery novelist Cornelia van Gorder (Agnes Moorehead) solve the mystery before becoming The Bat’s next victim!?

The Bat is based on a play and it’s definitely a bit stagey but when you’ve got performers like Agnes Moorehead and Vincent Price onscreen, it really doesn’t matter.  The Bat is an entertaining and atmospheric mystery, featuring a Vincent Price playing another one of his charmingly sinister cads.


Live Tweet Alert: Watch The Bat with #ScarySocial

As some of our regular readers undoubtedly know, I am involved in a few weekly live tweets on twitter.  I host #FridayNightFlix every Friday, I co-host #ScarySocial on Saturday, and I am one of the five hosts of #MondayActionMovie!  Every week, we get together.  We watch a movie.  We tweet our way through it.

Tonight, for #ScarySocial, Deanna Dawn will be hosting 1959’s The Bat, starring Vincent Price!

If you want to join us on Saturday night, just hop onto twitter, start the film at 9 pm et, and use the #ScarySocial hashtag!  The film is available on Prime, Tubi, and YouTube.  I’ll probably be there and I imagine some other members of the TSL Crew will be there as well.  It’s a friendly group and welcoming of newcomers so don’t be shy.