Hard Case Crime Strikes Again!

Hard Case Crime publishes novels about crime.  Some of them are reprints of classics from pulp era.  Others are new works by authors paying homage to hard-boiled detective and crime stories of the 50s and 60s.  The retro covers also pay homage to the pulp era.  Some of the best cover artists around — from Robert McGinnis to Glenn Orbik to Chuck Pyle and many others — have done covers for Hard Case Crime and I absolutely love them.  There are many people who buy these books strictly for the covers.  I’m one of them.

I’ve shared several Hard Case Crime covers on this site.  Here are a few of the more recent covers to come out of Hard Case Crime:

by Claudia Caranfa

by Claudia Caranfa

by Claudia Caranfa

by Paul Mann

by Paul Mann

by Ron Lesser