Music Video of the Day: Baker Street by Gerry Rafferty (1978, dir by ????)

Scottish singer/songwriter Gerry Rafferty passed away seven years ago on this date.  With that in mind, it seems only right that today’s music video of the day is the video for his 1978 song, Baker Street.

Baker Street, of course, is widely known as “the song with the sax solo.”  That’s actually what I always used to call it until I learned the name a few years ago.  Playing that saxophone was a session musician named Raphael Ravenscroft.  There’s an urban legend, which I’ve seen stated as fact on several web sites, that Ravenscroft was either never paid for his work or the check he received from Rafferty bounced.  However, Ravenscroft himself stated several times that this was not the case and he was paid for his work.  Ravenscroft also once said that he found it difficult to listen to sax solo because the saxophone was out of tune.

As for Baker Street itself, it was reportedly written at a time that Rafferty was involved in a lawsuit involving his former band, Stealers Wheel.  (Stealers Wheel performed Stuck In The Middle With You, a song that will be forever associated with lost ears.)  Apparently, whenever Rafferty had to go to London to meet with his lawyers, he would stay with a friend who lived on Baker Street.
