What Lisa Watched Last Night #137: The Murder Pact (dir by Colin Theys)

Last night, I watched the Lifetime original film, The Murder Pact!  And I’m glad that I did because it turned out to be one of the best Lifetime films of the years so far!

Why Was I Watching It?

Seriously, how could I not watch it?  It was a movie about murderous rich kids and it was on Lifetime!  There was no way I could resist watching The Murder Pact.

What Was It About?

It’s about murder, lies, greed, fame, guilt, and secrets.  It’s also about a beautiful house and a bunch of good-looking narcissists who have impeccable taste in clothing.  It’s exactly my type of film.

At an exclusive college, there are four friends.  Camille (Alexa PenaVega) wants to be a famous singer but, when she auditions, she is rather cruelly turned down because she’s a “nobody.”  Annabel (Renee Olstead) is a neurotic dancer who finds herself having to deal with a catty rival named Poppy (Bailey De Young, giving a wonderfully snarky performance).  Rick (Michael J. Willett) is a pill-popping athlete.  And then there’s the leader of their little group, Will (Beau Mirchoff).  Will is a wealthy model who wears blue contacts and who lives in an amazing mansion.

When these four friends are connected to the accidental death of another student, they try to cover up their involvement.  However, a rebellious student and photographer named Lisa (Sara Kapner) witnessed what happened.  Under Will’s direction, they plot to keep Lisa from revealing what she knows.

However, soon, everyone is being blackmailed by an unknown person who is demanding $4,000,000 to remain silent.  And a mysterious detective (Sean Patrick Thomas) suddenly shows up and starts asking questions…

What Worked?

Oh my God, this movie was soooooo good!  It was a stylish melodrama that kept viewers guessing up until the final scene.  All of the actors appeared to be having a ball playing their decadent characters.  They seemed to truly relish delivering every over-the-top line of dialogue and, as a result, they were all a lot of fun to watch.

I’ve always said that half the fun of a good Lifetime movie is getting to see where everyone lives and how everyone gets dressed in the morning and The Murder Pact certainly delivered on both counts.  I especially loved seeing Will’s mansion.  On twitter, the film’s screenwriter informed me that the house is currently for sale in Connecticut and I’m hoping it will still be on the market when I make my first million.

Also, I have to take a moment to appreciate the film’s cinematographer, Branden Maxham.  The film looked gorgeous.  I especially loved the chilly scenes of Will and friends plotting while standing outside in either snow or drizzling rain.

What Did Not Work?

It all worked!

“Oh my God!  Just like me!” Moments

Well, of course, I related to Lisa the photographer because we Lisas stick together!  However, as a dancer, I also knew what Annabel was going through.  I’ve known my shares of Poppys.

Lessons Learned

Rich people are dangerous.
