Horror on TV: The Hitchhiker 4.7 “The Legendary Billy B” (dir by Chris Thomson)

At the tail end of the 60s, the so-called king of acid rock, guitarist Billy Baltimore (Brad Dourif) was assassinated on stage.  Or was he?  When tabloid journalist Jane L. (Kirstie Alley) is told by her morally conflicted photographer, Hodie (Andy Summers of the Police), that he believes Billy Baltimore faked his own death and is actually living in a mansion and plotting his comeback, Jane L. decides to break into the mansion and find out for herself.

That turns out to be a big mistake.  But, as badly as things go for Jane L. and Hodie, this is an entertaining episode that features Kirstie Alley at her most neurotic and Brad Dourif at his most off-beat.  The ending might not make much sense but the journey is still worth it.  For the record, the Hitchhiker (Page Fletcher) really does not like tabloid reporters.

The episode originally aired on March 31st, 1987.