Music Video of the Day: I Knew The Bride When She Used To Rock ‘n’ Roll by Nick Lowe (1985, directed by ????)

Though this video was first released in 1985, the song had been around for quite some time before that.  It was written by Nick Lowe in the late 70s and it was first a hit for Lowe’s frequent collaborator, Dave Edmunds, in 1977.  The version that’s featured in this music video is a slightly slower version that Lowe recorded for his 1985 album,  The Rose of England.  This version was produced by Huey Lewis, who brought in the News to play on the album.  Lewis played harmonica.

The video, itself, feels like a companion piece to several of Huey Lewis’s videos from the 80s.  The sense of humor is the same type of humor that often appeared in Lewis’s video, as is the wistful acknowledgment of times gone by.
