Artwork of the Day: The Adulterers (by Harold W. McCauley)

by Harold W. McCauley

This “nightstand” book was originally published in 1960. “Andrew Shaw” was a pseudonym for Lawrence Block. This was his second nightstand book. He later went on to become a very successful writer of crime thrillers and detective novels.

As for the cover, I’m sure that we’re looking at that big hat. Is she cheating with Zorro? This cover was done by Harold McCauley.

Artwork of the Day: Other Worlds (by Harold W. McCauley)

by Harold W. McCauley

“I flew in a flying saucer and all I got was a new pair of boots!”

They are pretty nice boots, though.  They go with the cape, the gun, and Santa’s elves.  If I was looking through a store’s magazine racks in 1951 and I saw this cover, I’d probably buy this edition of Other Worlds.  I’d want to know who the woman is and who her servants were.  I’d really want to know about Captain A.V.G. and his flying saucer trip.

This cover was done by Harold W. McCauley, who did a lot of pulp covers.  I’ve always felt that McCauley and his work deserves more attention from collectors than it seems to get.