Go Where No Man Has Gone Before With The Covers of Gold Key’s Star Trek!

Today is the 57th anniversary of the premiere of Star Trek on NBC.  When the show was first airing on television, Gold Key Comics won the rights to publish a Star Trek comic book.  The comic book lasted even after the show was canceled, running from 1968 to 1979.  The comics adapted a few episodes from the show but, for the most part, it was a separate series with its own storylines.  In 1979, when Star Trek was revived as a film, the producers declined to renew their contract to Gold Key and instead entered into a partnership with Marvel.

Here’s a sampling of the covers of Gold Key’s Star Trek.

Issue #1

Issue #6

Issue #17

Issue #20

Issue #28

Issue #37

Issue #45

Issue #57

Issue #58

Issue #60