Music Video Of The Day: God Only Knows by The Beach Boys (1966, dir by ????)

Apparently, the most difficult thing in the world is to try to find a good music video for Thanksgiving!


First off, there really aren’t that many Thanksgiving songs and those that do exist don’t have music videos.  If there had been an official music video for Arlo Guthrie’s Alice’s Restaurant (which Gary wrote about yesterday), I would have shared it.  But, as far as I can tell, there isn’t.

I nearly went with Alanis Morrisette’s Thank U but then I realized how much that song annoys me so I decided not to.  If Natalie Merchant’s song, Kind and Generous, had been called Thank You, I would have used it but, unfortunately, it’s not.

I eventually went with God Only Knows because it’s the type of song that can bring tears to your eyes and I recently rewatched Boogie Nights and I love how the song is used in the film.  And, to be honest, it’s a song that captures the feeling of Thanksgiving, even if it’s not really a Thanksgiving song.

So, I used it.  I can’t really tell you much about this video, other than music videos in the 60s and 70s were considerably more straight-forward and less flashy than what we’re used to today. It’s a simple video but it works for the song, I think.

Enjoy and happy Thanksgiving!