Frame of Mind (2009, directed by Carl T. Evans)

David Secca (Carl T. Evans, who also directed) is a New York cop who has just transferred to a town in New Jersey.  His wife, Jennifer (Arija Bareikis) has a new job as a teacher.  One day, while they’re out antiquing, they purchase a box that contains a roll of film.  Looking at the film reveals pictures of a dangerous looking man who has a gun and who appears to be standing on the infamous grassy knoll in Dallas, Texas.

Convinced that he’s uncovered new evidence in the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Secca carries out his own investigation of the film.  He tracks down the woman (Barbara Barrie) who actually shot the film and discovers that she is now 85 and confined to a nursing home.  He talks to a skeptical conspiracy theorist (Chris Noth).  As Secca investigates, his progress is monitored by people who, after all these years, still don’t want the truth about the Kennedy assassination to get out.  As Secca discovers, these people are still willing to kill to protect the conspiracy.

Frame of Mind is an attempt to make a conspiracy thriller that, unfortunately, is done in by its own low budget.  It’s difficult to make a conspiracy seem convincing when you don’t really have the money to hire more than a few extras.  Probably the most interesting thing about the film is that, despite the low budget, there are a few established actors in the cast.  Along with Barrie and Noth, Tony Lo Bianco, Don Harvey, Vincent Curatola, and even KISS’s Peter Criss all have small roles.  The strangest cameo of all goes to former New York Mayor David Dinkins, who plays a senator.  Being mayor of New York may be a dead end politically (just ask John Lindsay, Rudy Guiliani, Michael Bloomberg, and Bill De Blasio) but it can still serve as a launching pad for a career in the entertainment industry.

Frame of Mind might hold some interest for JFK assassination hobbyists, though it doesn’t really bring anything new to the able.  It’s mostly interesting just to see who shows up in the cast.