Here’s The Trailer For Coming 2 America!

Yes, you may have noticed that we’re a few days late in sharing this one.  Sorry, about that.  The holidays have been crazy!

Anyway, here’s the trailer for Coming 2 America!  Eddie Murphy made quite a comeback last year with Dolemite Is My Name.  A lot of people — myself included — felt that he at least deserved an Oscar nomination for his performance.  I doubt he’ll get a nomination for Coming 2 America but, still, it’ll be interesting to see if audiences flock to a sequel to a film that was made several decades ago.  I can say that people on twitter certainly do seem to be excited about the film.  I haven’t seen the original film so I can’t judge the trailer one way or the other, beyond saying that this looks like the type of comedy that will actually probably play better on a streaming platform than on the big screen.  It’s easy to imagine someone unwinding from a long day by watching this film in their living room.  That’s not a bad thing, either.  One of the best things that any movie can do is provide an easy and convenient escape from every day life.

Here’s the trailer: