The Paperback Covers of Clark Hulings (1922 — 2011)

The artist Clark Hulings is best-known for doing landscape paintings like the one above.  Hulings, who was born in Forida and educated at the Art Students League in New York City was a world traveler whose journeys left him with a keen eye for landscapes and the people who populate them.  Hulings’s paintings are still eagerly sought by collectors and museums.

However, before Hulings was able to devote himself exclusively to his landscape paintings, he paid the bills by working as a commercial illustrator.  This was a familiar career path for many aspiring artists in the 50s and 60.  Hulings began his career as an illustrator in 1951, starting out with ads for supermarkets and eventually working his way up to painting covers for various pulp and paperback publishers.  Hulings would continue to work as a commercial artist until 1962, when he was finally able to devote all of his time to the landscape paintings that were his true passion.

In 2013, Clark Hulings’s widow and his daughter founded the Clark Hulings Fund, which is a nonprofit organization that provides visual artist with marketing and financial tools.

Below are a few of Clark Hulings’s paperback covers: