Late Night Retro Television Reviews: Highway to Heaven 1.4 “The Return Of The Masked Rider”

Welcome to Late Night Retro Television Reviews, a feature where we review some of our favorite and least favorite shows of the past!  On Thursdays, I will be reviewing Highway to Heaven, which aired on NBC from 1984 to 1989.  The entire show is currently streaming on Tubi and several other services!

This week, Jonathan and Mark clean up a troubled neighborhood!

Episode 1.4 “The Return of the Masked Rider”

(Dir by Michael Landon, originally aired on October 3rd, 1984)

This week, Jonathan and Mark end up a gym in a city.  Jonathan applies for a job as a cut man.  The gym’s owner, Mau Mau (Stoney Jackson), is doubtful because Jonathan can’t give him any references to call but then Jonathan magically heals a cut over a boxer’s eye.  Jonathan gets the job and just in time because this neighborhood needs to be protected.

The problem is that the neighborhood is being ruled by Thumper (Darin Taylor) and the Satan’s Helpers.  Everyone in the neighborhood is scared of the Satan’s Helpers and who can blame them when the gang literally identifies with Satan?  I mean, they’re not only fans of Satan but they’re helping him as well!  Anyway, the statewide boxing championship is coming up and Thumper is going to be fighting another neighborhood boxer, Joey (Chip MacAllister).  The Satan’s Helpers demand that Joey throw the fight and to make sure that Joey does so, they kidnap his grandfather (Hank Rolike)!

Mark suggests that Jonathan just “zap” the gang members and bring an end to the whole thing but Jonathan explains that their mission is not to take out the gang.  Their mission is to encourage the other residents in the neighborhood to take back the streets, “like the Guardian Angels!”  You heard it, folks.  God supports vigilantism.

Luckily, Morton Clay (John Agar) lives in the neighborhood as well.  Morton was once a movie star, playing the Masked Bandit.  Now retired and nearly forgotten, Morton lives in an apartment building with several of his former co-stars.  Jonathan encourages Morton and his friends to put on their old costumes and march down to the headquarters of the Satan’s Helpers.  The rest of the neighborhood is so amazed by the parade of old timey heroes, that they follow.

The Satan’s Helpers are so intimidated by sight of the entire neighborhood gathered together that they decide to stop helping Satan and they release the grandfather.  Yay!  Meanwhile, at the boxing match, Joey refuses to take a dive and he knocks out Thumper.  Yay!  The neighborhood is saved.

When people refer to Highway to Heaven as being a campy show, they are probably referring to episodes like this one.  Undoubtedly, the episode is well-intentioned.  Watching it, you can tell that Michael Landon was hoping that this episode would inspire people to take pride in the neighborhoods, just like the Masked Bandit and his friends!  But the episode’s extremely earnest approach feels a bit naïve.  There’s nothing particularly intimidating about the Satan’s Helpers and it certainly doesn’t help their credibility that they’re scare off by a bunch of elderly people wearing costumes.

Next week, Mark and Jonathan break into the country music world!