Music Video of the Day: (She Was A) Hotel Detective by They Might Be Giants (1988, directed by Adam Bernstein)

This was the first in a series of “Hotel Detective” songs to be performed by They Might Be Giants.  The video was popular on MTV, though neither John Linnell nor John Flansburgh were reportedly happy with how it turned out.

The video is split between animated sequences and live action shots of Linnell and Flansburgh performing in a hotel room.  The performance clips were directed by Adam Bernstein, who also directed music videos for Public Enemy and Barenaked Ladies (now there’s a double bill) and who is a frequent television director.  (He also directed one of the worst SNL films, It’s Pat.  We won’t hold that against him because it’s doubtful anyone could have made a good It’s Pat film.)  The animated sequences were done by Joey Ahlbum.

According to this interview with Adam Bernstein, the video had a budget of $7,500.
