The Gunfighter, Short-Film Review, (Dir. Eric Kissack, Writer Kevin Tenglin)

There are many times when I watch a short-film with FEAR because so many are just terrible. “The Gunfighter” is VERY funny and I put it in the MUST WATCH category. For my dedicated readers, you know that recommending a film as a Must Watch is a small club. The Gunfighter won a number of awards, however, very few of the actors or directors went on to a big career, which is a real shame. See, I can still pull depression from the jaws of happiness. I think I need a Rx.

The Gunfighter takes the Western and gives the characters the ability to hear the Narrator (Nick Offerman). This creates a lot of comedy because the narrator is determined to have everyone in the saloon kill each other. I know this is dark, but it is HILARIOUS! The narrator reveals who is having affairs with each other, who is having sex with a man’s favorite sheep, and a prostitute who was given a disease from a man who has sex with a man’s favorite sheep.

This is definitely a short-film to watch …. like right now!

One response to “The Gunfighter, Short-Film Review, (Dir. Eric Kissack, Writer Kevin Tenglin)

  1. A great review. I haven’t heard of this film before but your review compelled me to check it out. It’s interesting how this is a comedic western. Most movies in the genre at least those I have seen have always been dead serious. In this regard, the film brings to mind Quentin Tarantino’s “Django Unchained”. That was also a comedic western that offered a humorous take on the sensitive topic of slavery. It seems “The Gunfighter” falls into that category of films, so I think I will check it out. Thanks for the movie recommendation.

    Here’s why I loved “Django Unchained”:

    "Django Unchained" (2012)- Movie Review


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