Music Video of the Day: Voices Carry by ‘Til Tuesday (1985, dir by D.J. Webster)

This song is a favorite of mine and I’m a little bit surprised that it’s music video hasn’t already been featured on the Shattered Lens.

This video received a lot of acclaim when it was first released because of the way it incorporated scenes of dialogue with the music and the way it built a compelling story about a woman and her abusive lover around the song.  It’s not just an promo video for a song.  It’s also a story about a toxic relationship and finding the strength to stand up for yourself.

The abusive boyfriend was played by an actor named Cully Holland, who died 6 years after this video was released.  Though the video tells a classic New York story, it was actually filmed at at Dorchester’s Strand Theater, Davio’s Restaurant, and W. Brookline St in Boston.  (Thank you, Wikipedia!)


3 responses to “Music Video of the Day: Voices Carry by ‘Til Tuesday (1985, dir by D.J. Webster)

  1. Pingback: Lisa Marie’s Week In Review: 1/15/24 — 1/21/24 | Through the Shattered Lens

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