Late Night Retro Television Reviews: Degrassi Junior High 1.10 “Smokescreen”

Welcome to Late Night Retro Television Reviews, a feature where we review some of our favorite and least favorite shows of the past!  On Sunday, I will be reviewing the Canadian series, Degrassi Junior High, which aired on CBC and PBS from 1987 to 1989!  The series can be streamed on YouTube!

This week, Rick and Caitlin team up to save the planet!

Episode 1.10 “Smokescreen”

(Dir by John Bertram, originally aired on March 22nd, 1987)

Caitlin has a crush on the school bad boy, Rick.  All of her friends say that Rick is dumb and a criminal.  He’s known for getting into fights (though, as we learned a few episodes ago, most of his bruises actually came from his abusive father) and he was also held back a grade.  Everyone tells Caitlin that she needs to stay away from Rick but Caitlin says they’re wrong about Rick.  Rick, she says, is sensitive and misunderstood and she can fix him.

Agck!  Seriously, I’ve been there.  I knew exactly what Caitlin was feeling and what was going through her mind because I’ve always had a weakness for the troubled bad boys who hide their poetic soul underneath a tough exterior.  When I was in high school, I idealized more delinquents than I can even begin to remember.  Unfortunately, it often turned out that guys who had a bad reputation had that reputation for a good reason.  But still….

Anyway, Rick also has a crush on Caitlin and he doesn’t realize that she had one on him despite the fact that she’s totally obvious about it.  (Maybe Caitlin’s friends have a point about Rick not being the smartest kid at school.)  After finding out that Caitlin is a member of the Environmental Action Committee, Rick decides to join as well.  At first, snobby Kathleen is like, “Rick can’t join, he’s a criminal!”  But Caitlin insists that Rick really does care about the environment.  Rick even signs Caitlin’s petition protesting the foul-smelling pollution that is being spewed out of a nearby factory.

Rick actually has some ideas for what the EAC can do to combat pollution.  He says that the EAC has to actually be about action and not just endless meetings.  Kathleen rolls her eyes but Caitlin thinks that Rick has a point.  In a scene that practically screams, “This was filmed in the 80s,” Caitlin and Rick get on the school’s public address system and perform a rap called “Stop the Stink” and yes, it’s just as cringey as it sounds.  It does, however, inspire all of the students to sign Caitlin’s petition.

Unfortunately, it turns out that the corporate overlords don’t really care that much about a petition from a bunch of 13 year-olds.  Upset because Caitlin won’t admit that the petition was useless, Rick goes outside and lights up a cigarette.  Kathleen spots him smoking and uses it as an excuse to kick him out of the EAC.  This leads to Caitlin telling off Kathleen and Rick tells Caitlin that he only joined the committee because he liked her.

(If all this sounds familiar, it’s because pretty much the same thing happened nearly two decades later, when Sean Cameron joined Emma Nelson’s environmental club and volunteered to help clean the ravine.  In that case, it was Sean’s delinquent friends who dragged Sean away from environmentalism while  Emma was so busy getting mad at Manny for changing her look that she barely noticed.  We’ll get to that episode sometime in the far future….)

While all this is going on, Yick Yu is upset because, as a class assignment, he’s supposed to bring in a family heirloom.  As a refugee, Yick has no heirlooms.  Arthur tells him to just tell the class about how he came to Canada but, instead, Yick buys a vase from an antique mall.  Unfortunately, Arthur breaks the vase when he accidentally knocks it off a desk so Yick is forced to tell his life story anyway and the entire homeroom is impressed.  Yick learns to be proud of his background.  It’s a good B-plot, though you do have to wonder how many more times Arthur is going to do something stupid before Yick gets tired of him constantly messing things up.  I mean, in this case, I almost feel like Arthur was specifically trying to destroy the vase when he “accidentally” let it fall off of the desk.  No one can make that many mistakes without a few of them being deliberate.

This episode was a classic Degrassi mix of relatable characters and cringey moments.  I could totally relate to Caitlin’s crush on the school bad boy but my God, was that environmental rap ever cringey.  The scenes of Kathleen running the the environmental club like a dictator made me smile because I think we all knew someone like that in school.  That said, for anyone who knows their Degrassi history, any episode that features Caitlin but not Joey is going to feel strange.  I’m watching Degrassi Junior High for the first time so I don’t know how exactly this whole Caitlin/Rick thing is going to play out, but I do know who Caitlin is eventually going to end up with and let’s just say that it’s not the environmentally-concerned tough guy.  That’s the way it goes with bad boys.  They never stick around.

Lisa Marie’s Week In Review: 11/13/23 — 11/19/23

Well, I’m home.

I say this every time I return from any sort of vacation, whether it’s to another or just up to the lake.  It’s my homage to the last line of Lord of the Rings.  After any long journey, it’s always nice to realize that you have a home to which you can return.

Here’s what I watched, read, and listened to this week.

Films I Watched:

  1. Abba: The Movie (1977)
  2. Black Friday (1940)
  3. The Burial (2023)
  4. Fallen Angel (1981)
  5. High School USA (1983)
  6. The Killer (2023)
  7. Shoplifters: The Criminal Horde (1983)
  8. Track of the Moon Beast (1976)
  9. Universal Solider (1992)

Television Shows I Watched:

  1. The Amazing Race
  2. Baywatch Nights
  3. Check it Out
  4. CHiPs
  5. Degrassi Junior High
  6. Fantasy Island
  7. Frasier
  8. Friday the 13th
  9. Highway to Heaven
  10. Jennifer Slept Here
  11. Kitchen Nightmares
  12. The Love Boat
  13. Monsters
  14. Night Flight
  15. Survivor
  16. T and T
  17. Welcome Back Kotter
  18. Yes, Prime Minister

Books I Read:

  1. After Death (2023) by Dean Koontz
  2. Exposed: A History of Lingerie (2014) by Colleen Hill

Music To Which I Listened:

  1. Abba
  2. Adi Ulmansky
  3. Amy Winehouse
  4. Britney Spears
  5. Camila Cabello
  6. The Chemical Brothers
  7. Elle King
  8. Gerry Rafferty
  9. Gwen Stefani
  10. Hilary Duff
  11. Katy Perry
  12. Moby
  13. Olivia Rodrigo
  14. Saint Motel
  15. Taylor Swift

Live Tweets:

  1. Abba: The Movie
  2. The Burial
  3. Universal Soldier
  4. Track of the Moon Beast

News From Last Week:

  1. Actor Joss Ackland Dies At 95
  2. Actor Peter Spellos Dies At 69
  3. Box Office: ‘Hunger Games’ Prequel Lands on Top With $44 Million, ‘The Marvels’ Collapses With Historic 79% Drop

Links From Last Week:

  1. Tower of Borage
  2. Ready For “Saltburn?” Director Emerald Fennell’s Diabolical New Movie Is… “WOW!”
  3. Tater’s Week in Review 11/18/23

Links From The Site:

  1. I reviewed Unseen, The Killer and Fallen Angel!
  2. I shared my week in television!
  3. I paid tribute to Allison Anders and Martin Scorsese!
  4. I shared a scene from Wolf of Wall Street!
  5. I reviewed Degrassi Junior High, Miami Vice, CHiPs, Fantasy Island, Baywatch Nights, The Love Boat, Monsters, Jennifer Slept Here, Highway to Heaven, T and T, Friday the 13th, Welcome Back Kotter, and Check It Out!
  6. Erin shared The Golden Eagle, Hotel Nurse, I Am Desire, Startling Stories, Passionate Peril at Fort Tomahawk, Tattle Tales, and True Detective!
  7. Jeff shared music videos from Bush, The Madness, Phil Collins, X, Michael Jackson, Weird Al Yankovic, and The Smile.

More From Us:

  1. At Days Without Incident, Leonard shared songs from Underworld and Sammy Hagar!
  2. At her photography site, Erin shared Black-and-White Window, Changing Colors, Invasion in Black and White, Duck, Fountain, Waterfall, and Wise Squirrel!
  3. At my music site, I shared songs from Gerry Rafferty, Camila Cabello, Olivia Rodrigo, Hilary Duff, Gwen Stefani, Elle King, and Amy Winehouse!

Want to see what I did last week?  Click here!

Retro Television Review: Fallen Angel (dir by Robert Michael Lewis)

Welcome to Retro Television Reviews, a feature where we review some of our favorite and least favorite shows of the past!  On Sundays, I will be reviewing the made-for-television movies that used to be a primetime mainstay.  Today’s film is 1981’s Fallen Angel!  It  can be viewed on Tubi.

Jennifer Phillips (Dana Hill) is 12 years old and struggling to find her place in the world.  Sometimes, she wants to be a gymnast.  Sometimes, she wants to be an actress.  She misses her late father.  She has a difficult time communicating with her mother, an often-exhausted waitress named Sherry (Melinda Dillon).  She is definitely not happy that Sherry is dating the well-meaning but rather dorky Frank Dawson (Ronny Cox).  Jennifer wants to watch an awards show.  Frank changes the channel to a baseball game.  That pretty much sums up their relationship.

One night, Jennifer escapes the unhappiness of her home life by going to an arcade.  That’s where she is approached by Howard Nichols (Richard Masur), a seemingly friendly older man who takes her picture and then tells her that she’s just as beautiful as Farrah Fawcett and Olivia Newton-John.  Jennifer replies that she doesn’t think that she should talk to Howard because he’s a stranger.  Howard tells her that’s very smart of her and then explains that he coaches the local girls softball team and that he thinks Jennifer would make a great shortstop.

You can probably guess where this is going and you’re absolutely right.  Soon, Jennifer is spending all of her time with Howard, who tells her that he understands what she’s going through even if her parents don’t.  Howard’s an amateur photographer and he’s constantly asking Jennifer to pose for him.  He tells Jennifer that she probably shouldn’t tell any adults about their “special friendship” because they just wouldn’t understand.  He even buys Jennifer a puppy, one that he threatens to take back to the pound whenever it appears that Jennifer is trying to step away from him.  

Howard is not only a pedophile but he also works for a pornography ring and, as Jennifer soon finds out, he’s actually got several young people living with him and posing for pictures.  Jennifer’s mother eventually becomes concerned about what Jennifer is doing when she leaves the house and she even comes to suspect that friendly old Howard is not quite as friendly as he pretends to be.  But is it too late?

Yikes!  I watched this film on Tubi and I cringed through the whole thing.  Of course, that’s the reaction that Fallen Angel was going for.  This is a film that was made to encourage parents to maybe be a little concerned about with whom their children are spending their free time.  Jennifer is fortunate that her mom eventually figures out what is going on but, as the film makes clear, a lot of victims are not so lucky.  This film is pure paranoia fuel but in the best way possible.  There are some things that every parent should be paranoid about and the adult who only spends time with people 20 years younger than him is definitely one of those things.  The film is well-made, well-written, and well-acted.  Richard Masur, with his friendly manner and his manipulate tone, will give you nightmares.

Music Video of the Day: Wall of Eyes by The Smile (2023, directed by Paul Thomas Anderson)

I believe this is the first music video to be released by The Smile, a side project for three members of Radiohead.

This video was directed by Paul Thomas Anderson.  Based on this video, it looks like Anderson could have quite a career as a filmmaker if he chooses to pursue one.
