Fan Base (2021, directed by Curtis Everitt)

Cray (Blair Kelly) has spent his entire life convinced that his father is a famous horror actor.  When he sees the actor sitting on a bench and reading a newspaper, Cray introduces himself as the actor’s son.  The actor politely explains that he was rendered sterile in a motorcycle accident and cannot be Cray’s father.  Cray beats the actor to death and then heads over to another movie site so he can stalk the actor’s former co-star, Janey Romero (Carol Lynn Fortin).

This low-budget, straight-to-video horror film tries to make fun of the whole process of making other low-budget, straight-to-video horror films but the dialouge is never as funny as the movie seems to think and none of the actors appear to have a semblance of comedic timing.  There have been many instances of horror stars, especially women, getting stalked by obsessive fans so the story does have some root in reality.  It is something that particularly seems to happen to the final girls from the Friday the 13th films, with Adrienne King literally putting her career on hold because of an obsessed stalker.  Some people really do take their fandom too far.  But Fan Base doesn’t do much with the idea and never finds a way to balance both the bad comedy and the bad horror.

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