Horror on TV: The Hitchhiker 5.3 “Dark Wishes” (dir by John Liang)

On tonight’s episode of The Hitchhiker, a nurse (Tammy Lauren) decides that the best way to win the husband of her patient is to indulge in a little black magic.  Needless to say, things don’t go quite as planned.  And yes, The Hitchhiker definitely has something to say about it!

Seriously, I would so freak out if I ever saw The Hitchhiker commenting on anything that I’ve ever done in my life.  “Lisa Marie Bowman thought she could escape real-life horror by writing about fictional horror.  But sometimes, that which we think is fiction, turns out to be real….”  AGCK!

This episode originally aired on July 1st, 1989.

One response to “Horror on TV: The Hitchhiker 5.3 “Dark Wishes” (dir by John Liang)

  1. Pingback: Lisa Marie’s Week In Review: 10/9/23 — 10/15/23 | Through the Shattered Lens

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