Horror On The Lens: The Mad Monster (dir by Sam Newfield)

In the 1942 film, The Mad Monster, the great George Zucco plays Dr. Cameron.  Dr. Cameron is a mad scientist who has a few issues with his colleagues and who makes the decision to deal with those issues by transforming his simple-minded handyman (Glenn Strange, who played Frankenstein’s Monster in a number of Universal films) into a wolfman.

The Mad Monster is one of the many horror films that were produced by Producers Releasing Corporation, which was one of the most poverty-stricken of the poverty row production companies.  To me, the interesting thing about the film is that Cameron initially wants to use his werewolf formula to help in the war effort.  He wants to help the United States win the war by turning soldiers into wolfmen.  It’s only after his plans are dismissed as being ludicrous that he starts using his wolfman to get revenge.  Unfortunately, the wolfman itself turns more savage and bloodthirsty with each act of revenge so I guess it’s a good thing that it wasn’t deployed on the battlefield because who knows what type of state the soldiers would have been in when they finally came home.

Here is 1942’s The Mad Monster!

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