Blood Sisters of Lesbian Sin (1997, directed by Greg Griffin)

Johnny Blake (Justin Gorence) is a demon slayer and vampire hunter who is so pure of heart and intention that he is known as The Monk.  However, when Sister Avarice (Lara Daans) puts a hex on him, the Monk finds himself being tempted as never before.  Sister Avarice wants the Monk to track down her two older sisters and take their pieces of the fabled demon stone from them.  Once the three pieces of the demon stone are put together, the demon Asmodeus will return to the world of the living.  Because of the hex, the Monk and his secretary, Karen (Heather Lea McIntyre) have no choice but to do find the other stones.  Will the Monk and Karen be able to resist Sister Avarice’s final temptation?

This is pretty dumb but I think most people will guess that as soon as the words “Torma Presents” appears on the screen.  It turns out that Sister Anger (Alisa Christensen) owns a gym and Sister Lust (Jenna Johns) owns a brothel.  Sister Anger tries to seduce Karen while Sister Lust tries to seduce the Monk.  There’s a lot of talk about bringing The Monk and Karen over to the dark side and revealing their true nature but it’s mostly just an excuse to have nearly every woman in the film go topless at some point.  (Admittedly, 14 year-old me would have thought this was the best movie ever made.)  There is one good fight scene between The Monk and a group of muggers who come across him while he’s spying on Sister Anger making out with Karen.  Otherwise, Sisters of Sin get boring pretty quickly.

The film is also known as Sisters of Sin, which make much more sense than Blood Sisters of Lesbian Sin, as only one of the sisters is a lesbian.  But Troma had Troma had a film to sell and I guess Blood Sisters of Lesbian Sin tested better than just plain Sisters of Sin.

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