So, I Watched The Catcher (1999, dir. by Guy Crawford and Yvette Hoffman)

I should have known what I was getting into as soon as my sister told me, “You’ll like this, it’s a baseball movie!”

The Catcher is a movie about a little boy who goes crazy when his baseball-obsessed Dad makes fun of his swing.  The boy beats his father to death with a baseball bat.  Years later, catcher David Walker (David Heavener) is told that his contract with the Devils baseball team will not be renewed.  Someone dressed as a catcher starts to murder players, coaches, and one commentator, using baseball equipment as his weapon.  I could have gone my entire life without seeing the scene where one player is sodomized with a baseball bat.  But even if that’s your thing, The Catcher is slow and the acting’s terrible.  I had a hard time buying the idea of a killer catcher.  Outfielders move a lot quicker.  Why does my sister recommend these films to me and why do I watch them?

One thing that I did appreciate about this movie is that, for once, it was only men being killed by the masked maniac.  I get so tired of horror movies that were obviously made by men who never got over being turned down for a date in high school.  The Catcher was a change of pace as far as that’s concerned but otherwise, I wish I had not watched this film.

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