Trash Film Guru Vs. The (Early) Summer Blockbusters : “Avengers : Infinity War”

Trash Film Guru

Just when I thought the MCU might be getting somewhere —

About the only person more surprised by just how fucking much I loved Black Panther than a regular reader of this site was — well, me, but love it to pieces I did, and it’s an opinion I still stand behind 100% and then some. I’m not sure how much of the credit for its artistic success is down to the studio “suits” simply allowing Ryan Coogler to do something different, to break the mold, and how much was him actively wanting to while other directors remain content to serve up more of the same, but whatever the case may be, it was the first Marvel Studios flick that had a distinct look, feel, and personality all its own. It stood out, then, not just for its frankly profound cultural significance, but for its ambition and its quality. It…

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3 responses to “Trash Film Guru Vs. The (Early) Summer Blockbusters : “Avengers : Infinity War”

  1. Pingback: Lisa’s Week In Review: 4/23/18 — 4/29/18 | Through the Shattered Lens

  2. Pingback: Lisa Reviews Avengers: Infinity War (dir by Joe and Anthony Russo) | Through the Shattered Lens

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