Nathan Ward’s “Warpwish Comix” #1 : Everything Else Is For Squares

Ryan C.'s Four Color Apocalypse

I’ve been going back to Nathan Ward’s Warpwish Comix #1 (I checked, and no matter how the logo may appear to you, that is the cartoonist’s preferred spelling of the title) every week of two since he self-published it in magazine format (on old-school newsprint no less, hooray for that!) at the tail end of 2016, trying my level best to decipher it. To plumb its depths or, failing that, to at least limn the boundaries of its hermetically-sealed internal — well, not logic, but maybe ethos. To figure out both what was happening in it and why. Spoiler alert — it hasn’t been easy.  And I’m pretty sure I’ve failed on all counts.

Indeed, all I can really be certain of, even after all this time, is that just because Ward is from Cleveland (where he’s been active in a number of punk bands over the…

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American Idol: RIP Bruno Sammartino

cracked rear viewer

Bruno Sammartino, who passed away yesterday at age 82, wasn’t just a professional wrestler. He was an institution, an icon, a true American Dream success story, a hero to millions of kids now “of a certain age” (like me), and the biggest box-office star of his era, selling out New York’s fabled Madison Square Garden a record 187 times. He held the WWWF (now WWE) Heavyweight championship for close to twelve years during his two title reigns, facing the best in the business and vanquishing them all. Face it, Bruno was THE MAN!

The Man himself was born in Italy in 1935, and as a child hid from the Nazis in the Italian mountains. Coming to America in 1950 and settling in Pittsburgh,  Bruno was a sickly, scrawny child who couldn’t speak English, and was bullied in school. This caused the young lad to begin working out with weights, and…

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Music Video of The Day: Mr. Brightside by the Killers (2004, dir by Sophie Muller)

Yesterday, in honor of Eric Roberts’s birthday, I shared the video for The Killers’s Miss Atomic Bomb.

Today, I’m sharing the video for Mr. Brightside, which is a bit of a prequel to Miss Atomic Bomb.  Eric Roberts and Izabella Miko are featured in both videos.  The shared theme of the two videos seems to be that Brandon Flowers simply cannot compete with Eric Roberts.
