Horror On TV: Goosebumps 3.1 “A Shocker On Shock Street”

Much as I knew that, when I started featuring horror-themed television show for October, I would have to include at least one episode of Are You Afraid of The Dark?, I also knew that I simply had to include at least one episode of Goosebumps.  

After all, R.L. Stine helped to introduce me to horror so I owe him a great deal.

The episode below — A Shocker On Shock Street — first aired on September 6th, 1997.

(AGCK!  Apparently, the copyright police suspended the YouTube account that hosted this video!  Sorry about that — Lisa)

One response to “Horror On TV: Goosebumps 3.1 “A Shocker On Shock Street”

  1. Pingback: Horror On TV: Hammer House of Horror 1.10 “Into the Abyss” | Through the Shattered Lens

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