What Lisa Watched Last Night #122: Deadly Revenge (dir by Michael Feifer)

Last night, I watched Deadly Revenge on Lifetime!


Why Was I Watching It?

Not only was it on Lifetime but it had one of the most perfectly generic Lifetime titles ever.  Deadly Revenge sounds like one of the results that you’d get from a random Create-A-Lifetime-Movie-Title Generator.

What Was It About?

Harrison (Mark Hapka) appears to be the perfect guy.  He’s got a good job, a great apartment, and he’s a good cook!  However, he also has some secrets in his part, as his fiancee, Cate (Alicia Ziegler), discovers when she agrees to take care of Evelyn (Donna Mills), his sick mother.

What Worked?

Actually, this movie really wasn’t that bad.  Alicia Ziegler and Donna Mills did the best that they could possibly do.  If their characters occasionally didn’t make sense, that had more to do with the script than the performances.  As well, I enjoyed seeing where everyone lived.  Harrison had a really kickass apartment and Evelyn — oh my God, she practically lived in a freaking castle!

Plus, towards the end of the film, Cate got to wear this white dress that would look great on me.  So, there’s always that.

What Did Not Work?

Oh my God, this is such a frustrating movie to try to review!  Under the no spoiler rule, I’m not allowed to talk about the solution to the film’s mystery but, at the same time, it’s sooooooo obvious!  Seriously, you will figure it out within the first 30 minutes of the film.  (You would have figured it out earlier except for the fact that the mystery doesn’t start until about 30 minutes into the film.)  I mean, you’re supposed to be shocked when the big secret is revealed but the only shocking thing is that Cate didn’t figure it out for herself.  IT WAS SO OBVIOUS!

Like seriously.

“Oh my God!  Just like me!” Moments

I’ve actually recently had a dizzy spell/panic attack while driving so when Cate had the same thing happen to her, I was like, “Oh my God, I know exactly how scary that is!”

I do think I handled it better than Cate though.  Cate reacted by calling up her best friend and talking to her on the phone while driving!  In my case, however, I quickly pulled over to the side of the road, turned off the engine, and did my breathing exercises for panic attacks.

Lessons Learned

If it seems painfully obvious that someone is trying to kill you, they probably are.

Deadly Revenge_13

One response to “What Lisa Watched Last Night #122: Deadly Revenge (dir by Michael Feifer)

  1. Pingback: Film Review: Boyfriend Killer (dir by Alyn Darnay) | Through the Shattered Lens

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