Artist Profile: Barye Phillips (1924–1969)

Barye Phillips was a prolific cover artist perhaps best known for his work on Fawcett’s Gold Medal Book.  Phillips was known as ‘The King of Paperbacks’ due to the speed and the variety of his work–he typically produced four cover paintings per week. 

A few examples of his work can be found below:

4 responses to “Artist Profile: Barye Phillips (1924–1969)

  1. Pingback: Best Art Ever (This Week) - 10.17.14

  2. Pingback: Artwork of the Day: Madame Buccaneer (by Barye Phillips) | Through the Shattered Lens

  3. Pingback: Artwork of the Day: The Big Caper (by Barye Phillips) | Through the Shattered Lens

  4. Pingback: Artwork of the Day: Rip Tide (by Barye Phillips) | Through the Shattered Lens

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