Music Video of the Day: Slow Acid by Calvin Harris (2014, dir by Emil Nava)

Hi, everyone!  Lisa here with today’s music video of the day!

I’ve heard a lot of different opinions as to what exactly is being portrayed in the video for Calvin Harris’s Slow Acid.  Some people think that the woman in the video has been passed out in an alley and this video is supposed to represent her dream (or nightmare, depending on how you feel about holding up convenience stores).  Some people think that the blueish tint of the woman’s skin is meant to indicate that she’s on drugs or she’s had too much to drink.  (Personally, I find the tint to be more silvery than blueish.)  There’s a lot of debate as to whether she’s dead or just asleep at the end of the video.  The first time I ever saw this video, I assumed she was supposed to be a robot.

Then again, “she was supposed to be a robot” is pretty much my automatic go-to interpretation for almost everything.  You’d be surprised how often I turn out to be right.

Anyway, I really don’t care what the exact meaning is. I just like Calvin Harris and this song.  You can dance to it.  People sometimes forget how important that is.

Anyway, this was directed by Emil Nava, who has worked on a lot of videos since 2009.